Katsuki just sat in silence a single tear drop falling.

Should he be happy..? Sad..? Guilty..?

He had no idea what to do..

_____..I'm sorry

The next day... the hospital let _____ leave and take the baby home.

Kirishima helped her into the car as Masaru brought Kyoko into the car seat with her.

It was still early days but the nurses gave her the okay. Plus she really didn't want to stay any longer in the hospital.

Masaru drove the car to Katsuki's and ______'s brand new house.

They had it all ready and decorated.

Mitsuki helped get the boys clothes packed and into their rooms too.

The house was a bit bigger then their old one.

The twins would still share a room but once they grow up they have their own rooms.

The master bedroom was a lot bigger with a TV and balcony too, having the babies room connected to theirs by a door which was actually perfect.

Kenji and Kyori have only seen Kyoko for a few minutes but they were eager to meet her again finally.

Kirishima helped ______ to the master bedroom for her to sit down as Mina carried Kyoko inside.

Masaru smiled walking inside with Mitsuki.

"The twins and Emori are watching TV. Do you need anything?" Mitsuki asked _____ who just sat up on the bed taking Kyoko from Mina's arms.

"...no I'm alright." She said smiling softly.

She looked up at them all staring at her and Kyoko.

"Thank you. All of you for your help again.."

"Of course"

"Hey we're always here" Mina said smiling at her.

Kirishima looked at _____ then to Mina.

Mina looked at him giving him a gentle nod for him to speak.

"..._____.." Kiri started.

"Um..before I arrived back from Hosu, I saw Bakugou. He's okay but still trapped.." Kirishima said to her.

Mitsuki and Masaru look at Kiri both worried.

_____ looked up at him while Kyoko nibbles on her finger.

"...but he's okay? Not hurt right? He's alive?" She asked

"Yes he is, I'll go back again and keep looking." Kiri said as she nods softly.

"..ok thank you"

"..we can't have whoever has him trapped hear about Kyoko..what if they try and attack you when we're not here?!" Mitsuki said getting worried.

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