Chapter 32

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Amari tries pulling Eve back to keep her in cover as the bolts pick up again! But something is happening; her skin begins to shake and tighten. Her body weighs like stone, and then he feels a snap of sting that forces him off her—shooting him backward into the refrigerator with enough force to leave a dent in the door! He looks at Eve and sees a bright aura around her forming. Then an arc of something flashy, but he blinks before identifying it. Like one does when the lights flicker in the bathroom of a shady gas station.

Hana barks at the pantry door several times, drawing Amari's attention for a second. Something was happening in there. If the light coming from under the door was anything to judge, he grabs the other rifle on the floor and prepares himself.

"Eve." He says ominously.

But Eve isn't focused on him or Hana. Her focus and mind have been drowned in mere moments by anger, grief, and pain. And it has completely shut everything else out of her. A part of her body is sticking out of the kitchen as she stares down on her dead best friend's body. Her muscles in her neck strain as immense power flows through her; she turns slowly to look at Alison's body. The drowning is complete. She snaps back towards the Seekers as the bolts before her stop a foot from her. Still spinning, the collected energy shutters and then shatters, turning to pure lightning and flowing through the remaining foot as bolts and attaching to Eve's skin. Instead of harming her, each shot seems to increase the aura around her till it begins to spark and cut along the area around her. Amari barely avoids one of those rods of purple lightning as it cuts across the floor to the wall, nearly cutting up Hana as well!

The Seekers all hold their fire in awe but also in confusion. They do not understand what they are seeing. They can't even fathom it. Some repeat what the others did when confronting Adam, choosing to run rather than be cut down by the force they see before them. Resulting in the same gruesome end as their connection is cut by those watching them from the Spiders Room, resulting in a cloud of black smoke flowing from the parking lot. And as it is about to be proven, they got the easier way out than those who remained. Those who remained were about to witness something no one thought possible, unleashing a force greater than anything believed possible to be in the body of a human being.

Once the last bolt shot turns to energy and flows to her, Eve snaps forward with speed so quick she nearly disappears! Her first two targets don't even have a chance to react as she comes into view between them, but even more shocking, her fists are sticking out the lower back of the two of them. With bolts of lightning wrapped around them and singing away at what remained of the skin around the holes she had made! The sight of this turns more to run and the others to begin opening fire again. Eve is too quick, however, moving once again as she roars with a shout. Seven nearby Seekers are blown away by a long bolt from her hand; the strike is so massive and carries such force it completely obliterates them.

The bolts don't catch even as she stops for a second, lightning flooding from her body, ending several Seekers around her next target without her even noticing or touching them. Whom she slams into Lance's SUV, the force of the brute slam so heavy that the Seeker sinks into the metal and knocks the engine down onto the ground; she finishes him off, if he wasn't dead already, by releasing a torrent of electricity into the vehicle. It catches flame as the oil inside instantly is put alight. From the kitchen Amari peaks around the column and sees her send a ball of lightning the size of a truck down the parking lot, eliminating more Seekers without even a chance to react!

The sight is awe-inspiring, mesmerizing, and fear-inducing all at the same time for him. But Hana's barks continue just as her killing spree does, forcing Amari to turn his eyes and gun on it. He whistles to Hana, calling him over to his side and standing against the pillar as he readies himself to shoot the first Seeker he sees come out of the pantry. The sounds of chaos, mayhem, and death from outside fill his ears, but he does his best to keep his composure. That same light he saw ends as loud bang signals whoever was coming through there was now inside. The knob jiggles and turns before the door suddenly flings open. He shoots two shots but only hits the door.

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