Chapter 10

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Eve moved in a hurry to get out of the Business Building and on her way to the dining hall. As she exits, she can't help but feel like she is being watched. Stopping at the top of the steps, she looks out at the dispersing crowd of students; she recognizes a few, but they are all busy going about their way or talking with friends. The others could care less about her. But someone was watching. She couldn't put the finger on how she knew, but the feeling was there. Even stranger, as she continues looking around, the feeling changes, becoming distant and close simultaneously. They were there but not...there. Someone was with them, sleeping or just unconscious. The feeling was different until her eyes came across its source.

A large tree just off the path towering over two benches and providing enough shade to hide under, a face slips behind the trunk. Eve, wanting to know how she could tell, begins heading for the tree at an angle—hoping to get a view of the person before she confronts them for spying on her. Slipping through a group, she manages to feel disorientation in the watcher.

"How the hell can I sense your feelings?" She whispers as she shadows behind a basketball player's seven-foot frame.

When he notices, she dismisses him and slips behind him with speed, cutting across the path and to the side of the tree with the same speed. The person can't hide anymore.

"Harding?" She calls out.

It was Mary, but she was standing away, and something was off. Like she'd been possessed by something, and the only confirmation that she had heard Eve was her neck cracking up and her positioning straight and forward! Eve keeps her distance, unsure if the girl was on some hard drugs or was about to flip out because of her embarrassment earlier at Walker's hands.

" much...." She murmurs to herself.

"Amy...? Hello? We in there?" Eve asks with ever-growing concern.

The questions seem to snap Amy's entire body into place. "Oh shit." Eve coughs as her own body seizes up in fear. Was Amy possessed by a demon or something? Was all that Christian stuff she let pass by somewhat true?

"Ummm, I am going to go get you one of the pastors or something...a priest. You hold on there."

Before Eve can turn, Amy's bones snap around in tandem, creating the eeriest sound Eve's ever heard. As if flesh and bone were no longer real. Amy's face turned to focus on her, and it was distorted like she was suffering from a stroke.

"You are going to need way more than Jesus Christ once you get a hold of yourself, girl."

"Child. Child....a CHILD!" Amy states, her voice, though, it isn't hers.

It isn't the uptight snooty girl tone that she usually gives the world, nor even one underwhelmed by maybe an intense night of smoking. No, her voice was suddenly an amalgamation of multiple people. Three. Hers, and two others, one struggling and the other almost quiet like. Together they are horrifying, and Eve takes more steps back. Looking around to see if anyone can see or hear what she is, but not a single person even cares! All of them continue as if they were completely deaf and blind! But Eve wasn't going to have time to get help; Mary starts moving toward her!

Eve doesn't wait to let her close, stepping back in tandem with Mary's distorted and struggling steps. Her arm, carrying a heavy purse that jiggles with each step, twists, and lifts with her wrist snaps!

"Seriously, Mary, if you need help, I don't know, blink however many times you can. Unless like your eye pops out—then just, what the hell."

" They...are not...real. is."

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