Chapter 13

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Entering her room, Eve's bed looked more comfortable than the first day she was able to rest on it. But she was troubled in a thousand different ways, so that might have made it more alluring than its normal enticing nature. She didn't even come out of her clothes, dropping her backpack and wallet next to the bed and planting herself face-first into the pillows. Her body slugged itself up onto the bed slowly to match her head; without even pulling the covers over her, exhaustion and worry began to slip her towards sleep. Letting both take her to the dark tunnel that came with her sleep, until...that feeling.

The world around her was changing. The air grew heavy; a heat came in with it. All across her body! Then the bed, its softness, was gone! The pillows too. She wanted to panic and get up to get eyes on the world around her, maybe even reach Alison in time for her to pull her out of it. But she stood no chance; her muscles had locked up without her even noticing. Then the sound was yanked from her ears. If she was able to see from the darkness in her pillow, that would have gone too, only to lead to more darkness. She was hopeless and afraid. A fourth vision! She never wanted her father and mother to appear to save her more than this time, not that there had been plenty of other times.

The pressure of being in one spot suddenly lifts. She can move, but as she does slowly, the place below her becomes rigid and sturdy. However, granules of dirt and a bit of some jagged rubble slip around her. Air goes cold and then whips past her with a bit of those tiny slivers of debris in it; as her eyes blur to adjust, her ears come through. Gunshots and grunts of death fill around, with the subtle cries of a baby underlying it all. Then her eyes come to as another bit of air turns warm; barely a few feet away, an explosion dissipates. She had narrowly missed it, affecting her if it could. After the most recent interactions, she was unsure of anything regarding these visions. But the blast was the least shocking thing from the vision she was now in.

Before her was a massive courtyard, with several dozen battles going on at once! Soldiers in bolt guns did their best against several individuals forming a line at the bottom of a large set of steps, but they were no match for them. That was going to change; however, several vehicles were approaching in the distance, coming from around a more extensive network of towers within a city layered with a dense smog, unlike anything she had ever seen before though it felt familiar. A massive craft that she had never seen before, pushing the layer of deadly smoke away and forcing some of the Chariots to exit it once again. Eve could only see the front of the giant craft, with its bridge sticking out several dozen feet along a comprehensive set of likely pathways that emerged from the bulb-like hull structure.

Unlike the Chariot color schemes, this craft was painted so as to stand out; its bright yellow coloring was only overdone by its bright purple trimmed edges. Gold trim glistened in sunlight from around any visible windows, with several emblems on the side of it just barely sneaking out around some of the bulges in the craft but too far for her to make out. She didn't have time to look long at the craft; a shout from a familiar voice pulled her attention.

"Aja! We have to go!" Her father shouts.

Snapping around, a man flies past her sightline, lightning flowing off his body and searing him as it does. He neither screams nor grunts. He was dead well before he was launched through the air. At the top of the steps waiting by a heavily damaged Chariot, was her mother, both of them were wearing the same outfits she saw them in in the other vision. Though they were less damaged and worn this time, they signal that this event was taking place sometime before or after. Though the last time, they didn't have a baby.

Wanting to see the baby, Eve rushes up the steps. A bolt round zips past her and barely misses Aja's head as she looks beyond the Chariot. Her father takes action and sends a bolt of lightning down the steps from his hand with a shout of anger.

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