Chapter 11

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"I came as fast as I could. Lance—not a word." Eve says, bursting into the lobby of the dining hall.

Mrs. Williams understood all levels of jokes after three and a half years of dealing with these two, and that one didn't fly over her head, and she was going to miss out on laughing at it.

"Ha, yall children are absolutely something. All my gang of old hags prefers to talk about their grandbabies. Talking about they do this horrible stuff now and they be just having sex like we won't hoes in our day." She jests.

Both Eve and Lance couldn't hold back the worse possible laugh in their arsenal at the statement. The few other students in the lobby find it strange enough to clear out, likely out of fear of being deemed the ones who were snorting or dry heaving for air.

"Mrs. Williams, you remind me so much of my grams. Though the southern charm definitely gives you a better punch."

"My pies will punch your gut apparently, but you don't seem to like that punch as much when it gets to the guts." Mrs. William comments sideways.

"Well, it isn't me who doesn't like it. Wait, that came out wrong. Anyways, Eve what held you up? You get lost in Walker's eyes again with all his ways of banter?"

"No, but I need to talk to you about a lot," Eve responds.

"I would let Walker banter me all day...that means to fool around, doesn't it?" Mrs. Williams interjects.

It doesn't land well with Eve and Lance as they both retract and look at her with a bit of disgust.

"What? I may be seventy-two, but it still...."

"NO!" Both of them shout.

"Mmmm, half of yall kids walk through hear saying worse, trust me. And age ain't nothing but a number, baby. Don't worry about swiping. Just gone inside. Oh, and Eve, if you ever feel like giving me Walker's number, feel free. Just let me know beforehand so I can make sure my replacement hip is still working."

Eve and Lance make their way inside, both trying to force their minds not to imagine even just a second of Mrs. Williams' suggestions bearing fruit.

"I think I lost half my appetite just now." Lance comments, acting as if he is holding down a tiny bit of throw-up.

"Well, you are the one who showed her a picture of him, started that whole mess, and for three years, she has never let it go. But for real, I need to talk to you about...the uhhh visions and a lot more crazy shit."

"When do you not need to talk to me about cra—oh wait, you said the visions. Alright, get your plate made and I will make mine and meet at the usual spot. By the way, I have a development I need to tell you about."

In the two-part ways, the main dining hall at Westfield was a buffet style with many different options for anything a student might want. The main buffet line is separated by cultural stylings of food for the entrée line, a salad bar section, and an entire wall dedicated to sugary delight desserts. A collection of self-serve soda and juice machines had their corner and a sushi bar open every day except Sundays. Eating was one thing no student could ever complain about unless they just hated everything in the world. With three other dining halls on a smaller scale like this one, an on-campus grocery store, a small snack station store, two Starbucks, a Chick-Fil-A, Zaxbys, Smoothie Shop, and a Pizza Hut on campus; putting on a freshman fifteen was easy. A freshmen thirty was more fitting if one didn't visit the three different gyms on campus regularly.

Eve had a routine per usual, stopping at the Asian Culture Station first for some Fried Shrimp and Rice and an egg roll. Her timing couldn't have been more perfect as some fresh rolls were being brought out just as she arrived. Next, she went to the Northerner's Delight Corner of the America section for a slice of pizza, followed by a butter biscuit from the Southern Point. She grabbed two Supreme tacos from the Latin Desert Cultural Section and got a little extra sour cream from one of the workers, who responded with a smile to her. With her plate nearly full her last stop for food was the Sushi station, where she got one of the last spicy rolls. Usually, they didn't put any out past sundown or near it, for most of the fish was gone by then, with any else they had being left out by the staff for the following day to ensure each day got a fresh set up.

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