Chapter 19

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The Opera came to a close, but Gregory didn't stay intend to stay long afterward because Richard Stevens had done all that was asked. The confirmation comes from Merkel's worried gaze from just off stage as he catches her waiting to give one more speech, returning with a grin to let her know she had his attention. But for him, this was nothing more than a game, and she should have listened to all the warnings. Nevertheless, she was in it now and was going to have to prepare herself for any ramifications that came, and Gregory needed time to think about just what he would get out of her. Everyone has something to offer when they understand that their selfishness has placed them in an open position with no authority over those who can and have what they want.

Melissa got the advantage over him once, and once she got to make a demand, she forced him into producing something he knew would just be condemned to a horrible end. Knowing how to get to that level over someone, however, wasn't something she had mastered as he had; she blew her one shot and got what she wanted deep down. But unfortunately for her, it was tied to the two of them. Leaving her open to his control even more than before then.

The couple is escorted from their room by the First Guard, the most elite unit of human soldiers within the UHR military. Seemingly dressed ceremonial, their gold dress uniforms covered in major places with light mech suit underframes painted in a matte gray. The frame tripled all their significant attributes and could deploy advanced shield technology around the open spaces for up to ten-minute segments, encasing each of them into a nearly impenetrable barrier with no need to fear small arms fire. Each of their faces was covered by an individually designed gold helmet, made to fit snugly and giving each soldier in the unit the same blank facial expression with a dark black visor blocking the view of the eyes. Armed with the finest bolt rifles, pistols, and shotguns, each soldier had to reach a level of lethality with them, making crossing them a guaranteed shot to the head.

The only identifier for each soldier was the numbering on their helmets right below the right eye, and the database containing the information of who was assigned what number was kept within the private network accessed only by the First Human and a few other folks. Their ranks were filled by merit first, ability to be loyal second, and anyone whose family had been in the Senate the past ten years or was currently a member wasn't allowed to serve in the First Guard.

The two reach the roof and are taken to an awaiting Chariots, outfitted for comfort rather than military transport as most of them in the city were. Stevens was awaiting them inside the craft, offering Gregory a proud smile as he boards and doing his best to avoid even looking at Melissa. He didn't have the proper eye protection for the fiery gaze she would likely give him for his actions and disruptions so far this night. The craft took off smoothly and quietly, heading back towards the Spire, first, it heads out over the river, where two replica Chariots join it—turning in a perfect line towards the Spire and switching up the position to avoid any tail knowing which craft Gregory was onboard.

"So you followed all your instructions like a good dog I see if you have decided to join us on the way back home." Melissa snickers at Richard.

As much as he wants to quip back with the same distaste, he holds his frame, doing his best to copy Gregory. He would never explode in moments like this, always starting controlled.

"Well, I follow instructions well, yes. But that is because we can't afford not to do so, a great deal of work is at stake, and I do not take that lightly." He responds, ending with a smile with no value behind it.

"There is a great deal of work, years of asset placement, and access built up. I also do my best to respect the boundaries of people's roles and status, and it would do you good to remember your family's place. Family of farmers, right? Wealthy for Republic of Tana standards, and despite the main source of income, I believe your family has kept no less than 200 slave workers and fifty contractors on their land ever since they could afford to do so. We Howlings pay thousands of workers and don't need slavery for our wealth and power."

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