But anyway, back to talking to Mother.

"Ah, yes, Kuro, I wanted to ask you a few questions. Would you mind?" She gestured to the chair in front of her.

"Of course I wouldn't mind. Please, feel free to ask me any questions." I took a seat.

"What do you think about going to school?" She asked first, waiting for my answer as Lilia slept peacefully in her arms.

"Of course, I'd still like to go. Even as I train everyday, I think about school, even if I'm probably too good for school."

Mostly because Arthur'll go to school and I need to change some things that'll happen in the not so far future to come.(The Lucastration shall not change. - Light)

"Mm. Do you want to meet Princess Kathyln again?"

"Yes. I only met her the one time I saved her from assassins, when I was five."

"M'kay. Last one. How do you feel about going to Xyrus Academy?"

"I would like that. But if you and Father are thinking to send me, can I decide when?"

"Sure. When would you like to go?"

"When I'm ten. I know the average age is around 12, but I want to go there and get used to the place first."

"Okay. You can go to Xyrus when you're ten. I'll talk with your father about this, though."

"Okay. Is that all? I have to go somewhere."

"Mm-hmm. Where are you going?"

"My first home." I reminisced, thinking back to my time back in the Xyrus Orphanage.

She smiled. "Of course. Be back before sunset, okay? I know how strong you are, but you know I can't help but worry if you're gone for too long."

"Okay." I got up and walked to the front doors. "I'll be back."

I was walking through the city as I made my way to the Xyrus Orphanage.

Ah, it might be a good time to sell all the extra swords I made. I should visit Bishop and Kaspian.

I pulled out the mask and cloak I'd recently created from my dimensional storage. The mask was all white and the cloak was all black with a stealth feature I built in, when I remembered the Nightmare Fox cloak or whatever it was from the early chapters.

Put in quite the drain on my mana, if I do say so myself. Still not as bad as Kamish's Wrath. I can almost fully form it though.

"Bishop. It's nice to see you so lively. I'll take the usual five." I greeted the man who worked at the armory. I used Sound and Wind magic in a sepcial way to alter my voice, making it sound deeper than normal.

"Ah, Regal! It's nice to see you too! I have the usual prepared for you on the counter." He walked in from the back room covered in sweat.

I grabbed the bag of gold coins and the bag of beast cores next to it. "A-class?"

"Of course! Five of them, to be exact."

"Pleasure doing business. I'll be back sometime soon." I shook his hand.

"Thanks for the swords!" He waved me goodbye as I made my way to the Adventurer's Guild Hall next.


As I walked into the building, I was greeted by Ava, the head manager of the Adventurer's Guild Hall. "Sir Regal," She bowed. "Mr. Bladeheart is in his office currently."

TBATE - The Help of a Certain BeingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora