Chapter 54

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"You didn't have to bring her in here, Yeji." her dad said in an angry manner. Despite Yeji's insistence on taking me to their home, I told her that I wanted to go even though my body were covered with bruises. Besides, I was hoping this would be the last time we'd have to see her father. 

I know by blood he is still considered to be Yeji's father. But, what he did to Yeji and to our relationship can't be done by someone who cares for you like a dad.  

I honestly had second thoughts about going here with Yeji because I know that deep down inside her, there was still hope that they could have a normal daughter-father relationship. But, last night, she told me that being silent for years, since she was still young, was already too much for her. She no longer wants to be controlled by anyone now that she has matured and could decide by herself. She wanted to live her life without being pressured by anyone.

And I respected and admired her a lot for that. 

Yeji held my trembling hands and intertwined it with hers. "We're in a relationship and living together," she started. "And we have no intention to end whatever we have. Woohyun knows that the marriage announcement was absurd too so please... stop it already, dad."

I can't help but smile with what she just said but it soon faded with her father's next words. 

"She's not on our level," he said. "Fine, okay. I'll accept that you want to date a woman! But, please, let it be someone on our level!" her dad shouted. 

I knew from the very start that he wasn't really homophobic. It was all about money. He wants someone for Yeji to be from a wealthy family. 

And it's so obvious that I don't fit in that category. 

"What?" Yeji irritatingly said. 

"Where do you work, Ryujin?" 

I didn't say anything. It's not like I already have a steady job. I was still working at a convenience store part-time. I've been job hunting for a permanent job and I plan to apply once Yeji and I have settled.

"See? She can't even answer," her dad said. He was being sarcastic. "And her parents, they're gone, right? We can't have any benefit from them."

That's it. I couldn't hold it in anymore. 

"What does it mean to be on your level, sir?" I let go of Yeji's hand and speak. 

"Business, Shin. Business," he replied. "You are nothing compared to my daughter."

"Stop it!" Yeji shouted. "I'm leaving. Please, dad. If you ask someone again to hurt Ryujin or even me, we're not going to let it slide anymore."

"You're not going to get any money from me with what you're doing right now," her dad said. "I'm going to talk to the directors to find someone to replace you!"

"Replace me," Yeji said and laughed. "It's not like I loved my work. I never had the chance to explore what I really want to do in life, did you know that?"

"You're for business! Our family is for business!"

"It's not where my heart belongs, dad," she said. "It's fine if I'll lose my position. Just don't bother us anymore. That's my last request."

Yeji then got up and grabbed my hands. She walked alongside me and led the way outside, where she instantly unlocked my car door. I was still injured and couldn't drive, so I sat in the passenger seat while she's the one driving.

"Sorry," she said. "I hope... his words won't affect you although I know it's really that bad. but- I- I really didn't expect it was this kind of bad-" 

She wasn't able to continue because I held her face and kissed her. It wasn't hard. It was a soft kiss. Just to assure her that what matters to me right now is us. 

"It hurt me but I'm okay. I'm done thinking you're way too out of my league. I'm now here to take risk even though your family wants to make me think we're worlds apart," I said when I pulled away from our kiss. 

"Did he also said those words to you before?" she asked. I could see in her eyes that she's worried. 

I nodded. "Yes," 

"Why didn't you tell me? I mean- That his words are.." she didn't have the courage to speak and looked down. 

"There were times where he would want to meet me privately after meeting and talked to me like that," I confessed. "It was the time where your relationship with him was starting to be good."

She didn't speak. I could feel that she lost confidence, knowing that it's her dad. 

"I'm telling you this because I just want to let you know that during that time, even though his words hurt me, I fought for us," I said. "Now, we're both much braver, what happened earlier is nothing."

"Sorry," she said. 

I smiled and patted her head. "You were pretty cool there earlier, baby," I said to changed the topic. "Let's go grab some cold drinks at dan's cafe. I miss our coffee dates.

"Are you sure you don't want to go home yet?"

"Yeah," I answered. "We're free now, right?"

"I don't know.." she answered. "I hope so."

"Let's celebrate it then,"

She didn't reply. I noticed how gloomy her mood is.

"Let's not be down by what happened, okay?" I asked and smiled at her. I held her hands and caressed it with my thumb. "I love you."

"Thank you, baby," she suddenly said.


"For staying even though all I caused to your life was mess."

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