Chapter 18

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"How does the food taste?" 

"Hmm," Yeji hummed as she continue to eat the steak that we ordered. "It taste delicious. Where did you find this restaurant? I didn't know about this before."

"I searched on the internet." 

"Do you prefer restaurant dates?" Yeji asked. 

"No, actually, it's my first time taking someone on a restaurant." I told her honestly. "I'm a home person. I prefer hanging out at home."

"Really? You don't want dates outside?"

Yeji drank from her water since, as far as I could tell, she just finished her food. Well, I'm done and just waiting for her to finish.

"Dates outside are not bad. I'm just really a home person." I replied and drank some water. "But, I think grocery dates are nice."

"Grocery dates?"

"Yes." I uttered and smiled thinking about the times we went to the grocery together. "It feels like you're getting to know the person during grocery dates."

"You're not wrong about that." She said. "How many people have you taken to a grocery then, Ryujin?"

I giggled with the question. 

"Are you curious?"

She glared at me. Maybe surprised with me answering her with a question. 

"I've actually gone on a lot of grocery dates."

She didn't answer and looked at me with a face I can't tell. So I continued.

"Only with you though." I told her and smiled. 


"But, that's something I believe to be moments when I got to know you better so it's memorable for me." I honestly answered. "Observing how you buy almost all of the snacks at the grocery and forgot to buy the most important things such as ingredients we need for our meals."

"Snacks are necessary." She said. "It's like my comfort food, you know."

"I know. It's like a requirement when we go to grocery."

She giggled. "Are you done eating?"

"Yup." I told her. "Was just waiting for you."

Yeji and I agreed to split for the payment because she didn't want me to pay for everything. I insisted, but she said she couldn't call it a date if I was the only one paying. I eventually agreed, but told her that the ice cream date would be on me later.

The ice cream shop isn't that far to the restaurant we've gone to. It's just like 15 minutes away so it's not a long drive. 

It's still a fun drive, of course. 

Drives with Yeji are fun. She casually uses my phone since she loved my playlist. Of course, I gave her consent to go through my phone. It's not an issue though. She's not also the type of person to look at every contacts and messages on my phone. 

"What ice cream flavor do you like?" I asked Yeji while we're picking a flavor for an ice cream. 

"Chocolate." She answered. "You?"

"I like mocha a lot." I told her. 

"We really have different taste." She replied and I chuckled. "Go order."

"Chocolate and Mocha please." I ordered to the lady at the counter. 

"A minute, ma'am."

"What time is it?" I asked Yeji. 

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