Chapter 33

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The meeting has just ended.

"I'm glad we managed to decline." Ms. Yoon uttered. "I really thought we won't be able to decline and had to do it even if we don't want to transfer."

"Me too, ma'am." I said and chuckled. "I was about to prepare my resignation if ever." I joked. 

"You can't do that. I won't let you." She responded and slapped my arm lightly.

We tried our best to decline the transfer and fortunately, they said okay. 

Mr. Hwang was really the one who told the heads from Busan branch about our transfer but since the branch in Seoul also needed us, the conclusion of the meeting depended on our decision. Both Ms. Yoon and I didn't want to transfer so we declined. 

"Take a rest at home and ready yourself for tomorrow." Ms. Yoon uttered. 

"For what, ma'am?"

"What else? We're back to normal. As usual, meetings." She said as we entered our department's office. "Our previous one is a success, we should manage it well."

I giggled. "So I can go home early for today, ma'am?" I asked. 

"Yes. Or if you want to stay it's okay. But we don't have any more meetings scheduled for later since I thought the meeting will take a long time." 

"I should go then." I said. 

When I reached my table, I immediately fixed my things. 

I should probably surprise Yeji for the news. So I texted her. 


Hi baby are you up for a date? 


Still at work. Are you done with work?




I'll be done in 30 minutes wait for me

Let's go to the place we're supposed to go to during your birthday



I'll wait for you at the parking lot. Text me




30 minutes have just passed and I heard a knock on the window and saw my girlfriend so I instantly unlocked the door for her and she went inside.

"Sorry. Am I late?" She said and settled her things at the back of the car.

"Just right." I told her. "Where are we going?"

"Right." She exclaimed. "I'll drive."

"You'll drive?"

"Yep." Yeji answered. "Don't you trust me enough, teacher?" She joked.

"I should probably stay awake the whole ride then." I said, playing along.

"I hate you." She blurted out before getting out of the car which I also did since we're going to exchange seats.

Yeji immediately started the car and drifted away from our workplace.

We had been driving for quite some time when we arrived, and the skies had darkened and the city was already filled with lights.

"This is beautiful." I said when we got out from the car. 

There was no one else beside us and it was quite high. High enough to see the whole city and its lights. 

"You told me once you're not a fan of fancy dates and preferred something simple so I wanted to bring you here on your birthday, supposedly." Yeji uttered and went beside me. "Is this very simple? Sorry. I'm not yet really used to preparing dates."

I pulled her for a back hug and placed my chin on her shoulders with my hands on her waist. "This is more than amazing, Yeji." I told her.  

This is one of the best kind of dates. Perhaps the reason I'm not a fan of fancy dates because the time I spend with my partner is far more important to me. Conversations, shaking hands, and hugs were more meaningful to me.

"Let's make this place our comfort place." She said. "Whenever there's something bothering you and you want to be alone, just go here."

"You're my comfort though." I said and kissed her cheeks. 

"I'm serious." Yeji said and I chuckled with her voice. "Because not all the time we'll always be together. I know there will be times where we'll want to spend time alone."

"Okay, baby." I replied. "I have a good news."


"The transfer isn't happening." I told her, not letting go of the hug. 

She suddenly turned her face to my direction and our faces were so near, so I took the opportunity to give her a soft peck on the lips, which made both of us chuckle.

"Really? You're not leaving?"

"Yes." I said and kissed her once more. "I'll stay. No one's leaving so you will not go anywhere too."

"I won't."

We swayed our bodies together and directed our eyes to the beautiful view in front of us, appreciating it as the atmosphere was filled with silence.

"Dad's not bothering me lately." She uttered. "We haven't talked about anything related to you."

"I don't know if that's good or bad." I replied. 

"But he keeps on bugging me about Woohyun." Yeji uttered. "He wants us to date and asked if we had already talked to each other."

I remained quiet. 

I felt a pain on my chest with the words she just said. 

I'm a human. I felt jealous.. and insecure because her dad wants her to be with some other guy and not me. 

"Have you?"

"No." Yeji answered and turned her face on me. "Are you jealous?"

I stayed quiet.

"Are you, Ryujin?" She once again asked.

"I'd be lying to you if I said I wasn't." 

She held my face with her free hand and kissed me. It wasn't just a peck compare to what we did earlier, but a soft and gentle kiss, with our lips on sync. "Only you, baby. Only you."

We locked gazes for a long time before closing the distance between our lips and kissing each other more passionately than the previous one.

It was full of love and affection. I felt it. 

When we pulled away from the kiss, I looked at her in the eyes. 


That's all I can feel. 

She smiled and I once again melted. 

It's incredible how she makes me feel these things with the little things she does.

How with a simple smile, all my worries are gone. 

How with a simple kiss, I felt the assurance and love. 

How with a simple hug, I feel home.

Everything was perfect now, and I figured that letting go of a few phrases would make the moment more memorable.

City lights. 

Yeji and I. 

And those words. 

This would be the perfect moment. 

I looked at her in the eyes not breaking our foreheads that were still locked with each other before speaking. 

"I love you."

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