Chapter 24

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I didn't have the courage to speak. 

I was stunned and looked like a statue when he let go of those words. 

"Are you dating my daughter?" He asked. 

I don't know why. 

I know he is Yeji's father. 

But, when I hear the words 'my daughter' ever since this conversation started, I felt really small. It felt like I don't have the rights to disagree with what he is saying. 

"I have eyes so don't lie." He said. "I also noticed those little sneaky stares and gestures the both of you do."

"I am dating Yeji, sir. Yes."

My hands were still shaking but I managed to speak. I should not be threatened. I should not show weakness. 

"I see." He said and drink from his coffee once again. "I won't stop it."

I was about to look at him. 

"For now. I'll turn a blind eye." He continued. "Yeji.. she's still a kid at heart."

A kid?

Is he saying what Yeji feels for me is because she's a kid at heart? 

"Sorry, sir. Are you saying it's childish?"

"Yes." He didn't even hesitate. "What you have right now will pass. She still don't know the world."

"Sorry, sir.." I paused. "Your daughter is an adult. She knows how to decide for herself."

To say I am angry was an understatement. 

Does he really know his own daughter?

He thinks what we have is childish?

"I doubt that." He firmly said. "She thinks she can decide just because she moved out. Time will eventually pass, she will come back home."

I didn't have the energy to speak. 

I was burning inside with anger. 

I was keeping it all because I know for a fact that he is still my boss. He is still Yeji's father. 

And who am I?

I wanted to speak but I felt really small.

"Is this a warning, sir?" I asked. 

He chuckled sarcastically. "This is just a heads up, Ms. Shin." He uttered. "You should probably go now."

I didn't speak. I just stood up and bowed my head to him as respect before going to the door. 

"And also," He once again mumbled. "I also know that you two are living together. I don't know how or when did that happened but it doesn't matter. I'm just telling you I know a lot and I'm turning a blind eye.. for now."

"I'm going, sir."

When I entered my car, I was still shaking. 

Thinking about so many things, I closed my eyes.

This is something I should've expected from the very beginning, right?

Yeji's father.. I'll be lying if I say I'm not scared. 

And to think that he is powerful, it made me anxious. 

Anxious of what's ahead of Yeji and I.

Until I received a text from my girlfriend.

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