Chapter 31

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"Should we just go somewhere far, baby?" I asked her.

I know she's scared. Maybe even much more than I am. 

We were lying on my bed after our conversation at the living room.

"Hmm." She hummed and giggled as response. "Your hometown sounds good."

"Ah, right. We haven't travelled together going there." I suddenly remembered. "Let's go there some day. I'll introduce you to my family."

"Will they like me?" She asked that it made me chuckle. 

"They will." I said and caressed her cheeks with my thumb.  


The room was filled with silence as we looked at each other's eyes.

"Dad said he'll send someone to pick me up on the weekend." Yeji uttered causing me to worry.

Honestly, even if I want to be strong and tell her don't be bothered with her dad, everything was bothering me too.

That Woohyun guy who was being paired with my girlfriend, her dad saying she needs to go back at their house, and a lot more.


Her dad is powerful. I know he can do a lot of things. He can even fire me from work.

"Let's not stay here at home during weekend then." I said and we both laughed.

A laugh that has a lot of worries.

"What if he uses force?" She asked. "I'm honestly scared. Knowing my dad, he can do it in an instant."

I was stunned and had no answers to reply. Because everything she said was true. Her dad.. is not an ordinary person. 

"Should I just go there? He might bother you too if I won't." Yeji mumbled. 

"I thought let's hold onto each other?" I replied. "Don't worry about me. We're in this together, I know. But, worry about yourself first. They'll assume you agree to them if you go there. They'll think it's fine if you're paired with someone else. They'll think they have you under their control. So, don't."

I was trying to be strong enough for us even if I'm scared. 

"But if they bother you and even do something against you.." She started. "I don't think I could ever forgive myself for that."

I leaned in closer to her and held her waist. I rested my forehead against hers and remained silent for a while. Closing my eyes and nourishing the moment we're having. 

"I don't think I could ever forgive myself if I just let you go there when we both know what we have is something we want to keep. I can't even imagine waking up anymore without you beside me." I said. "I'm saying I want us to last. Don't you?"

"If things get hard, please tell me." She replied. "I don't want to see you suffer because of me. Just because I let you in my shitty life."

"Don't say that." I told her and pinched her nose. 


"Let's sleep." I uttered and pulled her closer for an embrace. 

"Goodnight, baby." 

"Sleep tight, baby."

A few more minutes and I know we're both still awake bothered by so many things. But I'm okay. As long as she's here on my arms, as long as we're together.

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .

Today was the launch of the big project our team has been preparing for a long time now. I was honestly nervous but everything went well and we're already at the dinner after party where all the staff that participated in this project is here.

Mr. Hwang was present during the launching. Of course, he's the CEO. He still congratulated me and told me I did a great job. Maybe even though he's a trash, he still knows about professionalism. 

I was just at the side where drinks our being offered and enjoying my time alone. Until Ms. Yoon came.

"Congratulations." She said.

"Thanks, ma'am." I said and motioned for us to raise our glasses to toast our drinks. "Cheers. This wouldn't have been successful without you, ma'am."

"You're still the one who worked the hardest." She said. 

I only giggled as response. 

"I'm just sad, I think this will be our last project in Seoul for now." 


"We'll be transferred in our Busan branch." She casually said. 

I was confused. What does she mean? Transferred?

"Pardon, ma'am?"

"I was supposed to tell you tomorrow but postponing it won't change a thing, right?" Ms. Yoon uttered. "We're not getting demoted, don't worry. It's far away but they want us to lead the on going project there."

"Am I allowed to decline, ma'am?" I asked, scratching my head. "I.. already have a life here and has settled here in Seoul."

"I don't think it'll be long. It's just for one project." She said and drank from her glass. "I honestly wanted to decline too. But it's part of our contract, so."

"Travelling everyday will cost a lot.." I mumbled. 

"Mr. Hwang said everything will be provided for us. The place we'll live in and everything."

"Mr. Hwang?" 


"Yes." She responded. "We'll talk about it tomorrow in a meeting with the representatives of the Busan branch." 

"How come I didn't know about this, ma'am?"

"It was honestly so sudden. Like, last week only, I think?" She said and wondered. "The last days before the launching was so hectic that I didn't had the chance to tell you."

I remained quiet. 

"Looks like you don't like the idea." She uttered. "I don't think we can decline, Ryujin. Besides, they'll be giving us advantage too."

"I.. don't really like idea, ma'am." I honestly answered. 

"I'll leave you here for a while."

Ms. Yoon left me here and after a few minutes I went out of the building to have some time alone. 

Busan? That's too far. 

Too far from the life I've already built here. 

Too far from the person I'm spending my everyday with.

I was occupied by so many thoughts once again.

What's her father trying to do? Sending me far away so I could distance myself from Yeji?

Or was it really just because that branch need us? I don't know. It's just not adding up. We're doing good here in Seoul anyway. 

A scared heart and a lost mind. What a good combination. 

Until I felt a hug from my back and a fragrance I'm most familiar with. 

"Baby." It's Yeji. "I missed you."

Can't Get Out | RyejiΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα