Chapter 26

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"Long time no see!" Jimin uttered. "Is it okay to sit here? Do you have company?" She asked. 

"Go on, it's fine." I answered. The ramyeon was eventually cooked so I started eating some but then I remembered I was with someone. "Oh, sorry. I didn't know I'll have some company. You should buy some."

"No, I'm fine. I already had dinner. Enjoy yourself." She said and giggled. "You're still a messy eater."

"You still point out things." I countered. 

"Oh, and hey." She called. "Happy birthday!"

"Thanks." I replied and smiled at her. 

"So, how are you?" She asked. 

"Doing fine." I uttered. "Same old, maybe."

"Still workaholic?"

"That's like my sickness, you know." I answered and she chuckled. 

"Where's your girl?"

"Figured I might actually see you today so I told her to stay at home." I joked. 

"Dumb." She laughed. "But, I'm happy for you. Really." 

I laughed only as response. 

"You know." She started. "I still want to consider you as a friend. Though, I know you despise that idea."

I giggled. "You know me too well then." 

"Do you hate me that much?" She rolled her eyes. 

"No." I replied. 

"Then can't we just go back to the old days before we had relationship?"

"I'm civil with you." I said. "I'm fine with us talking and stuff. Greeting each other on birthdays and such."

"So, does that mean you consider me as a friend?"

"Acquaintance." I corrected her. "Being friends is complicated, Jimin."


I don't think refusing to be friends means that I still have lingering feelings for her. 

It wasn't because of Yeji as well.

I mean, I think it's the best thing to do. 

What Jimin and I had was not a fleeting moment. I'm aware of that. I loved her.

But being friends is like putting that person on my life once again when I already moved on completely. 

Don't get me wrong. I still love her? A firm no. The pain I felt when we broke up? I'm done with that. It left a scar with the way I view how I love my partner but it's done. 

I respect all those people who remained friends with their ex after break up.

But I just think there are some ex lovers who should take different ways after break up. To remain nothing more than just acquaintance. 

And I think we're part of those. 

It's like we outgrow people. We move forward. But the memories I had with her? It's something memorable for me. 

Like an old friend. 

"I consider you as an old friend." I told her honestly. "I don't hate you. I hope you know that."

"I know that, Ryu. It's just.. I really wanted to keep our friendship." She said. "But I understand where you're coming from."

"Thank you." I told her.

"I should probably go." She said and stood up. "Happy birthday again, old friend."

I giggled. "Thanks again."

When Jimin left I eventually finished my meal so, I walked around the city for a while until I reached the park near the riverside. I decided to sit down at the bench and admire the stars. 

It was such a calming feeling.

But it was lonely. 

Maybe because a part of me was disappointed I can't celebrate this day with Yeji. Or maybe because I just expected that it hurt me. 

It was fine. Really.

Just a little bit hurt. 

I should probably go home and spend the remaining hours of my birthday with her. 

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .

"Baby?" I called when I entered our place. 

"Hey." She greeted at the living room. "Where have you been?"

"Just outside." I sat down beside her and she leaned her head on my shoulders. "Did something happened?"

"I'm just.. sad. We were supposed to celebrate your birthday together." She said. "Sorry."

I giggled. I couldn't help but adore her. "It's fine, baby." I assured. 

"You must've been hurt too." She looked up to me. 

I couldn't lie to her. "Just a bit." I said. "But it's fine. We're celebrating the remaining hours together. That's what matters."

"I promise we'll celebrate it once we're both free, okay?" She uttered. 

"Yes, baby." I said and patted her head.

"So, what did you do today?" She asked. 

"I had dinner at the convenience store." I said. "But it's fine. I ate my favorite foods so I enjoyed it."

"Alone?" Yeji asked. "You should've called Chaeryeong."

I stayed quiet for a while.

"What else-"

"I'm actually not alone earlier." I honestly said. "I coincidentally met Jimin."


She was still leaning her head on my shoulder so I couldn't see her face. 

But the room was filled with nothing but silence.

"I.. didn't know she'll be there."

She still remained silent. 

"Are you mad?"

"I'd be lying if I'll be saying it didn't affect me." She said. 

"She just.. sat down for a while, baby. We just had a small talk and she greeted me happy birthday. That's all."

"It's still.. basically, you celebrated your birthday with her.."

"We had to cancel our plans, right?" I asked. "I mean- I didn't plan to meet her. It just happened by chance." 

She sat straight, still not looking at me. "I thought you understand why we had to cancel?"

"Yeah.. I do. That's why we had to move our plans, right? And it's fine with me.. I understand." I replied. I closed my eyes. "Let's.. let's not fight, please?"


"Me too. I'm sorry." 

Even though we both said sorry I know it didn't actually fixed the situation. 

Or maybe we were both tired today too. 

"We should.. probably sleep." I uttered. 

"Yeah." She stood up.

I have pride. 

So knowing myself, I'd probably just let her sleep at her room and resume the talk tomorrow morning. 

But again, with Yeji, I found myself doing things I'm not used to do before.

Because the next thing I knew, I was standing up and holding her hand, which surprised her. 

We were staring at each other for so long, until I spoke.

"Let's sleep at my room." I firmly said. "Let's not end this day without proper talk, please?"

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