A Forward Move

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Gwen is unhappy and she moved back to her ex husbands house. But that still doesn't solve my problems with her. My attorneys tell me she is going to do an end run on me. They indicated she might sue my civilly for things she said I gave her as a birthday gift. I thought we went through all of this but she is hanging in to the short hairs and you really don't have a good grasp of those. Gia has been overheard saying a few things regarding Gwen and I don't take that too well. We might have issues but those are ours not for her to speculate about. I noticed Janet Lane has changed her attire and demeanor recently and gotten very friendly with John Jacobs who lost his wife in a car crash six months ago. Luckily we don't have rules against dating other employees as long as they date on their time. We had a few that didn't date on their time. I personally had a conference table replaced and a sofa after I found two couples dating on our time and our furniture. They were terminated after they got dressed. Only Christian is allowed to use his office furniture for sex. I know not to sit on anything but the chairs I always sit in. He knows I am leery of sitting other places he finally told me that Anastasia won't have sex with him at the office, it is too obvious and messy and embarrassing. I finally got to sit on his sofa. I have a dinner with Gia and a meeting with Gwen right before that. Security is going to tight at both meetings. Gia and I are having a working dinner in my office with cctv recording everything.
I am starting to think that Roz has moved on and I want her back, but she's not willing to discuss anything but our divorce and disinherited of property. Recently I saw a woman with her and Christian and she flirts with both of them. I can't make out if she wants both or what because she is friendly with both of them. Too friendly if I were to see this in the papers I would think she likes both sexes or she is just putting on an act. After I had my meeting with Roz the woman Gia Matteo was waiting for Roz to bring her into her office for a meeting. She has plans in one of those big containers that is round and hanging off her shoulder. She heads in and flirts with Roz as she heads inside the office. Something in the way she made sure I saw her touch Roz on her shoulders. I then see Christian head my way he smiles and walks into the office and I see Roz smiling and nodding at something on her desk and Gia picks up the photo and glances at it. I know that photo it is of me and Roz, then I see it isn't our photo but one of Roz and Gia. Okay I will not lose Roz to this harlot. I guess I was just stupid and lost a good thing.
Stirring up those old flames with Gwen again Roz? I say this in front of Gia because we have a plan. Gwen wants Roz back and the more we use Gia to fan those embers the more she will want to intercede and work things out with Roz like they should have to begin with. Both are going to see a therapist about what went wrong and why they didn't communicate when things got very bad. Gia is smiling at this like we knew she might. Roz and Gwen will hopefully start seeing a couples therapist. I don't want them to stop seeing each other and they should try to work things out. Good Lord will Gia stop trying to touch both Roz and I. Suddenly the door opens and it is Gwen with Analisa running behind her trying to get her out. She is glaring at Gia and tells Gia to keep her hands to herself. That neither me or Roz don't like being woman or man handled unless it is by their wives or lovers and that she is neither. So cut it out or she will expose her for sexually harassing us. She shows a file all about a recent suit against her for this very thing. Wow I knew their were rumors but Gwen got the smoking gun.
Where did you get that information from? It was supposed to have a gag order on the proceedings.
Well your attorneys forget there were kids involved and noticed things you did or did your attorneys for get kids talk about the home wrecker. Three of my students had to move here to Seattle because of your stupid games to break up marriages. So I went digging up things on you and they aren't rumors they are facts. Does Mickey know you are trying to destroy her brother in laws marriage to her sister? What about Elliott and Kate's marriage and also you were fired off the Hartley job when Ellen caught you with your hands on William?
Are you having me followed?
Yes and more Mickey is packing your things up as we speak, Anastasia informed her of your activities with Christian, William, Elliott and Roz. From what I heard you promised her you would keep your hands off your clients when she allowed you to stay at her place. Plus you don't date women. You only date men. So you were coming on to Roz under false pretenses. But you were trying destroy four relationships to satisfy some need that you have to see unhappy couples around you. Okay you two need to read those files before continuing on working with Gia and talk to the others about her and those files. Roz we need to go to therapy so we can work on some of our issues. I leave them dumbfounded.
I try to grab the files but they are in Roz hands and her and Christian are reading everything.
Do we fire her or put her with someone else on the team?
We can have Jose Rodriguez Sr work with her and it should be fun hearing from him about his thrill about being sexually assaulted and harassed by someone thirty years younger than himself.
I tell Analisa to have Jose Rodriguez Sr join us in my office. Five minutes later he arrives with his nurse and in his wheelchair. He loves to annoy the hell out of people who are sent to him because they have unacceptable behavior and he breaks them pretty fast of it. He is pretty smart, but some young people think older people are not very bright. Wrong thoughts there, age has nothing to do with being a genius. We introduce him to Gia and tell him to take her to his lair and make sure he reads the file before looking at her work.
I am no longer working for the dynamic duo and working for a decrepit old man.

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