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I really liked Grace and said as much, she said it is a good thing we are both married teasingly. Beth just found it amusing. Anastasia asked me if I cheated on Carla? I told her it was the other way around, but he was sure about at least I and the newborn baby was his. He did say that the guy he found her with was shooting blanks. I don't think Anastasia needed to hear that story. So I left it alone.
The DNA sample was sent to an outside lab so they were assured I was trustworthy. Christian shows up just as the tech sent the test for the DNA testing company. It is independent of the hospital. I introduce Christian to who could possibly be his father in law and his wife.
I look the guy in the eyes and green eyes and red hair, something very familiar about him.
I know who you are and you and I have bid for the same companies at various times. He laughs and says I recall you now.
Still I have seen those eyes and that hair on someone else recently. I just can't recall where or when. Mom invites them to dinner with us, but they have two people waiting at the hotel.
Bring them over with you. I give them the directions and her number in case they get lost. Christian looks at me and I smile and say you might as well get to know the man that could be your wife's father sooner rather than later. If he isn't you just made a new friend.
Well I am worn out and need a nap. We will see you later on. They hand me the album to look over further. Christian peeks at it and asks if I recognize any of them? I tell him the photo I have is a perfect match but in color. I show him the photo.
Ride home with me so I can look at the photos and maybe recall where I have seen someone else with his hair and eyes at recently. The more I look at the pictures the more I think I might have seen a female that had Anastasia's facial features and his hair and eyes. It must have been a brief look at whoever it was. I usually recall people and their names. This time I might not have met her, but saw her.
I sense that this is the man that fathered me. He worked a lot of hours and mom was pretty mad when he spent time with us both as there were a lot of photos of all three of us him and I smiling and mom half smiling. It was like she was already out the door and took me just to spite me and my father. Typical Carla. The men who were showing me normal affection she somehow got rid of. There is a sister out there in the world I can sense it more now. I always asked mom about my baby sister and my dad she lied and said they both died. Another one of her many lies she fed me. I stopped asking her any questions and waited for the other shoe to drop. Christian and I decide to take the album to dinner tonight. Everyone is going to be there yeehaw. I can't wait, wedding this, wedding that I ask Christian if I was as annoying as Kate is about our wedding plans?
Uh I plead the fifth, she elbows me. Honey all women get that way about their wedding plans, just take it in stride because it won't be for the rest of our lives. You were pretty annoying from what I heard lol. I am not saying who said it though.
We arrive just as I was trying to get the information from Christian.
Saved by my amazing timing lol. Let's go concentrate on finding out if this guy is your father.
Lisa Richards Shawn's Sister
Nice house, is this where Anastasia lives?
No this is her mother in laws home. Dr Grace Grey, she sent the test to an independent lab for the DNA testing. Anastasia is very pregnant.
So how old is she?
I didn't ask since she looked like a carbon copy of Carla. We get out and security is tight here and my people nod at their people. I guess they called ahead and let them know we were arriving.
Are you nervous? Christian seems intense.
That's how he is according to my sources, plus he is very protective of Anastasia. I heard a rumor that a group of women followed them on their honeymoon and ended up breaking Anastasia's arm when they attacked her. The head of security stepped down after he failed at his job.
As we are walking up to the door others are arriving and we knock at the door. As two couples arrive at the door.
Wow you look like a new employees that works for me. I look at the guy.
The door opens and we walk inside. Anastasia is sitting listening to Dr Grey. The eight of us walk to take a seat. The living room is large and roomy.
Wow you look exactly like Aunt Carla. Hope you aren't like her.
You can't judge others by their mothers actions.
So sorry about that. I guess hearing everything about her and her cruelty and you were raised by her.
That's my mother not me, I had a number of very good step fathers who treated me like their own and my father was with us until mom ran out on him and my sister.
Wow look the baby has red hair and green eyes like her father, but her facial features are all Carla. Anastasia looks exactly like Carla but she is like her personality wise, she is a good and kind person.
I check the photos and think Anastasia could have redheads with green eyes like Shawn.
I show Barney the photos and he asks how old would Anastasia's sister be at this point and do they know what she was named?
We have a new employee that had a very unusual life. She started working at GEH about a month ago. She has red hair and green eyes like your Shawn. I can give her your number because she was left at the hospital and her mother got creative with the birth certificate. She has never told me how she was creative though.

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