Free At Last

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I go through the house and think about renting rooms out to college students that want to just go to college and study and have a quiet living environment. I call my staff and security in and ask them for input into this situation. I ask if any of them know of any good people who have any students attending college who wants a place to rent that is secure and safe?
I know that Kate Kavanagh wants a place she is fairly nice and she is loyal to people just not gird at keeping things clean, but her parents will assure she does her part to keep the place clean. She can't cook, we can change that.
Okay reach out she was pretty decent to me at the party. What about Mia Grey us she looking for a place to rent? She was extremely nice to me.
You can probably make the offer but be prepared for a background check on everyone here.
Well I can handle it if you two can. You won't be fired ever by me. I know the whole story. Written things don't tell the whole story just the basic facts. I am glad you were allowed to tell me the whole story. Thank you for protecting me and finding the attorney. He was the right guy and now he can move forward on future charges, they won't know what hit them. See as much as I am glad my mother found someone to pay her debt, she is the one I wanted the money back from and she didn't pay me back her new husband did. I am starting proceedings against both of them as of today. The restraining orders are in place now. Be prepared for an onslaught of press. I want them behind bars and getting hurt like Morton hurt me as my mother watched him beating me up.
Steven Morton
I am arrested getting out of my car and they drag me into the back of the squad car reading me the Miranda like I don't know it by heart. My wife and son are watching it all. Now that I am arrested she can file her charges as well. The cop sees her and he says something to his buddy and they close the door on me and head to talk to my wife.
Policeman Farmer
I knock on the door and a young woman answers it. She is beaten black and blue and the little boy is scared senseless of me grabbing for his mommy he's bruises on his arms. I call for an ambulance for them. Then I see the blood running down her leg. I explain to the EMT we are arresting the husband for assault in a minor that just turned 18 and pressed charges for that and many other things. I think the young woman has miscarried. The boy won't let go of his momma. I ask where they are taking them. I get her bag and her keys along with the boys favorite book and toy. His mother begs me to get them for him.
Eloise Morton
The cops are finally arresting him, his cop friends will be getting him free again soon. I look at the cops and they slam the door on Steven and come to the door. I am scared as I open the door and think these are Stevens friends. I feel blood trickling down my leg and the cop sees it too. James is holding onto me for dear life and his poor little arms are so bruised. I did my best to keep Steven away from Hanes, but he beat me unconscious after kicking me in the stomach after I told about the baby.
I want my momma. I grab her and they put us on something and we are moving.
Dr Grace
I am called in to see a two to three year old child. I see a child barely bigger than a ten pound baby holding into his mother for dear life. She looks me in the eyes and asks me if she can stay while they check him over. Dr Green whispers we need to get her into surgery soon. I nod at the young woman and she encourages the boy to tell me his name and that it is okay for me to look at him for boo boos. He lets me take him into another room he is holding onto her purse a book and a stuffed animal. I ask if he us hungry and he nods yes. We get him food and water while his mother has been rushed into surgery. I check him over and right now all he has is what appears to be man's hand prints and a shoe print on him. So I order X-rays of him. I ask who has hurt him he says my daddy hurts me and momma. I have to file a report and get this woman help.
Dr Green
I had a ct scan and examine her and we get her into surgery for the miscarriage. I do a D and C I also do a through physical on her and it isn't good. We are going to have to keep her here while we stop her internal bleeding from being beaten so often and badly.
Can you call this number for me please?
Dr Green
I call and get a young lady answering the phone and ask for Anastasia Randal.
Dr Green tells me she has a patient who asked her to call me. The only one I gave a card to was Eloise if it ever got too much for her to bear with. I asks if she wants me to come there and she wants me to come get James for her. I grab my keys and call my attorney and bring security with me along with Emily just in case. Emily is Eloise's sister. Mom never knew that piece of information. I tell the attorney to bring a notary that we might need one.
Dr Green tells me I need to stay for a few days and James is okay just a bit frightened by men. He us underweight and needs to eat and dehydrated as well. The bruising will clear up and he has no broken bones which is lucky considering the marks and where they are at. She says dr Grey is an excellent pediatrician and has a way with children especially ones who have been abused. She leans in and wants to know if I want to file charges and I tell her Steven has cop friends who keep getting him out of the charges.
Dr Green
Not this time he won't. Give me a list of his friends I know people and so does dr Grey they won't be able to help him if they are arrested as well. She writes four names down and I hand them over to the attorney miss Randal brought with her. He immediately calls someone and he us off the phone and says it will taken care of soon.
Emily and I enter the room with my attorney security is preventing anyone from entering the room we soon walk out with power of attorney and paperwork filing charges against Steven and his four cop friends.
What happens if he gets out again?
You won't be there any more, you are coming to live with us we need your keys so we can move you out. James has my purse with him. Security will be here 24/7 until they arrest the four cops who helped Steven get away with this. The attorney wants to discuss you divorcing Steven. They have taken photos if his abuse of you both and he recommends you get out if this marriage and now. You are still bleeding internally from him kicking you in your stomach. He did it to terminate your pregnancy didn't he?
Sign the divorce paper Eloise you deserve better and so does James.
Attorney Davidson
We go through everything and soon I am on my way to file the divorce papers, restraining orders against all five men and then the chief if police to press charges against all five men. He was shocked at the fact four if his men were covering for this scumbag. He called them in and had them all arrested in the spot and he had the divorce papers and the new charges handed to Morton behind bars. It didn't go well, but I watched them deliver everything to him. We got temporary custody of James for Emily. I tell Anastasia that if Morton gets out she will be his first stop after seeing his wife and child are gone.
I am ver prepared for him. I know his moves and where he and his friends hang out at along with what they do. I have had him followed for a long time.

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