Baby I'm Home

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Jason and I are driven to the hospital and I go straight to see Anastasia and our son. I tell Jason to go home and get some sleep. I nod to the security staff and head inside to find Anastasia sound asleep. I go look at our baby boy, his hair has a bit of red in it, but it also looks like mine as well. I look over and see Anastasia watching me.
He inherited combo hair a little of mine, a little of your and a little of his grandpas hair. His eyes are all yours and face too. Hope you handled your emergency.
Leila Williams was shot after shooting one of my employees and taking a baby and father hostage as well as my security team. She groans and asks me is Leila in jail and how did she get out of prison in Paris anyway. It was a rhetorical question because no doubt guessed that Bruce somehow got her out of prison.
Christian told me that Leila was killed by a sniper who hit her right between the eyes. This moment Raymond Carrick Grey chooses to make himself known. Christian goes to pick him up, but I tell him to try his diaper changing skills out before I feed the baby. I laugh at his scared look at he starts changing the diaper and scrunches up his nose at the smell of his first poopy diaper. I can't help but laugh, but he got through it and did a better job than I could do.
I have to say that I did a good job at changing the dirty diaper. My son has a good appetite. It didn't take long for him to know where the food was at.
I look at my new grandson and see a very remarkable combination of his parents and grandparents in his hair. Mia and Barney arrive. Minnie brings Mickey to see his cousin. Shawn and Beth arrive to see Raymond, Conner and Lisa arrive.
I am sitting here amazed that I am holding my second grandchild. Both my daughters gave me grandsons. I have started moving my company to Seattle. I am keeping the company in New York. My family are thrilled about our growing family. Lisa asked Conner when he is going to give her a grand baby and I laugh because after Carla he doesn't want to get married.
I ask how Emily is doing and in she walks with her baby and John helping her sit down. Her son John jr. or JJ.
Elliott and I are going to be getting married soon and we visit Anastasia at the hospital. My dress is ready so is everything else. Elliott has been working long hours so he can take time off for our honeymoon. Elliott has been a bit off lately and I don't know why. He has been holding his nephew a lot and has a sad look on his face.
How do I tell Kate about my twins that CPS called me about recently and that I need to prove them a home and soon. Dad said just rip the bandaid off, so I finally just tell Kate that I have a set of twin girls and didn't know until last week when CPS contacted me to do a DNA test and it came back they are my daughters. I have picked them up and Mia and Barney are keeping them at their home and Barney has them in daycare at GEH while he is at work. Mia is thrilled she gets to dress the girls. Mia is working during the day I have plenty of photos of my daughters with Barney and Mia.
Barney wants us to get married and try to talk Elliott into allowing us to adopt Carolyn and Colleen. There mother passed away and the father's name on the birth certificate was and is my brother. He finally pulls Kate out of the room to talk to her about the girls.
Elliott finally talks to me in the chapel and I find out an ex of his failed to inform him that he was and is a father of twin girls and she passed away recently and he took custody of them, but they are living with Barney and Mia. Mia happened to take the call from CPS and wouldn't take none of your business for an answer. So she went with him to get the girls and get the DNA testing done, that is one of things he has been taking care of. He hasn't even told his mother. His father knew the second he saw the girls. We are getting married and he broke things off with her long before me. He asks me if I could love the girls and be their mother? I am not sure if I can do that.
If you don't think you can be their mother Mia and Barney want to adopt them. We can be their aunt and uncle. Give it sone thought and we can tell them after you meet them or after our honeymoon.
I will meet the girls and spend time with them. I am unsure about this, but if the tables were turned I know Elliott would take to my children immediately. It is one of the reasons why I love him and I am marrying him.
We have been getting closer to the girls but they know Elliott is their father, they know their mother went to heaven and one day they will join her when it's time for it. Kate asks to see the girls alone and she did. I can understand if they want to keep the girls and we will still see them and be their aunt and uncle.
I asked the girls if they want to live with me and their father.They asked if they could still see Mia and Barney? I told them they could and they could do overnights stays and go places as well as long as everyone agreed to it. I think Mia and Barney already spoke about this with them.

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