Minnie Mouse

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Minnie Mouse
The photo I have of me with my biological mother and father and a little girl standing by them looking at me and they seem to be smiling. I might look 12 but I am 14 I was twelve when I gave birth to my son. My current foster parents took me and Mickey in to foster us both. We have been here since they found me in a cargo hold. I started fighting them and they got me calmed down enough to tell me they were saving me. I the doctor told me I was a few months along, I had no idea what she was talking about. Before this I was held for nearly six months to be sold but I kept fighting them and I bruised myself so they could sell me. I had been in a foster home that was scarier than the cargo hold. I and others were in need of hospitalization when we were found. I am told that I was placed in foster care when my mother left me at the hospital. I have heard several stories that my father was told I was dead and my sister as well. There is another that said mom didn't want me or my sister, she kept my sister because she was of use and as a newborn I wasn't. My birth certificate has the name Olivia Mouse as my mother and Timothy Mouse as my father. So I was given Minnie Mouse as a nickname. It was actually my birth name. I think my mother was crazy or us crazy if she is till out there in the world. I looked the names on line they are not real life people. Both are characters from children's shows. Then I am a famous Disney characters name. Mickey Mouse is my son it seemed a bit strange. But nothing about my life is normal. If that was my sister I hope she got a batter name than I did. I don't use it for school, they allow me to use my foster parents last name. They thought it would be better if I didn't suffer with that name as well as being a foster child. Throw in that I have a child at 12 I think the cards were stacked against me the day my mother became pregnant with me. I swear I think I saw animosity in those faded eyes of hers.
Elizabeth Morgan
It is not as rare as anyone would think to get a girl that has her baby with her into the foster system. We decided to take as a foster with her infant. We got her while she was still pregnant. It was a special case since she was part of a group that was about to be sold and they found them in a cargo hold. They brought her out fighting like a wild cat until she realized they were there to save her. Barely there and needed to be fed and hydrated all the group stayed alive and together. They would take turns raping or allowing the rape of these people. Minnie was one of the ones they liked because she fought them tooth and nail. She stole all the food she could so she could feed the others. They found her guarding the food and water supplies. She was black and blue in a filthy t shirt on and nothing else.
Bob Morgan
Minnie is skittish of all men and I can understand why so I give her the space she needs. She comes and goes attends school and after school activities. Her son stays with us and he is in preschool. He is a good boy and smart as a whip. Tiny like his mother for now. Something tells me he is going to be a tall man. Unlike the red hair and green eyes this child has brown hair and vivid blue eyes. We keep a very close eye on them both when they are home. Someone tried to grab both of them at the park one day, but Minnie didn't allow her or her baby to be taken somehow she used the baby carrier and caused brain damage to the guy trying to take her and her baby. Police found her son asleep in the diaper bag and Minnie waiting to tell the cops her side of the story. Witnesses saw everything was recording it all and one guy tried to help, but he said he had never seen a mama bear moved so quickly to subdue her baby's kidnapper. He had planned to take them both. But he misjudged the tiny female in front of him. We never asked Minnie where she learned how to defend herself we figured it was from her time in the cargo hold. I have nothing but respect for her since that. Elizabeth wants to adopt her and the baby, but Minnie won't give up her baby and she plans to become emancipated. We have an older girl who is about to age out of our home. She was with us when Minnie came to live with us Ashley Simms was taken from her drug addict mother. She was lucky she had a good life until her father was killed and her mother started doing drugs, finally she had enough and turned herself over to CPS after her mother overdosed. They brought her directly to us and we took her in immediately. She graduates from college in tow years, she tested out on every single required class in high school. She tutored Minnie and she said that Minnie is not someone to cross and she is very loyal to those who have her back. Which is all of us and that made us happy that we were able to get through to her.
Ashley Simms
At first Minnie wasn't able to connect with any of us, after what she went through she had nightmares and I started noticing things about her and realized she was possibly pregnant, Elizabeth said she already knew about the pregnancy. It was why she took Minnie in. We call her Tina Morgan when out in public. We call Mickey Mikey outside of home. I had heard about 12 year olds having babies and she was a real trooper. Mickey was a four pound baby at full term. He was 16 inches long. He was tiny with long fingers and toes. But adorable and a good baby. He had to be bottle fed because Minnie was unable to produce milk. All of us loved the baby. I helped get Minnie her high school diploma early and got her into college. We are taking similar courses. We were able to get grants and our grades were good enough to get scholarships. We applied for everything we could. Minnie is still holding things back from us. But she stays out of trouble. I thought I saw Minnie in a school uniform one night. It was outside a home that was holding a memorial for the owner of the place. She stood looking at the house and after winking at one of the men leaving the building she left very quickly.

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