James Morton

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John and I bought a car seat for James and had to pad it so he could sit in it correctly. Anastasia and I sat by him while John and one other security sat by him we have one car in front of us and one in back both carrying two men. We have visited Eloise everyday and brought her food to build her up again. She has put five pounds on and they want her to gain twenty five more pounds. She is being released today and is going to be at the appointment for James.
I am so glad I am free to go and take my son to see a doctor. We arrive and I fill out the paperwork but I don't have insurance Anastasia tells the receptionist that she is paying for everything and hands over her black American Express card.
I hand the receptionist my card and she just takes it and slides it through for the payment needed, just then dr Grey stopped her and tells her not to change Mrs Morton for anything. Dr Grey hands me my card back and tells me she has made arrangements for all treatments and appointments for James and Eloise Morton will be covered by a group that helps out abused patients. Eloise nodsher head apparently she has been told about this group.
Thank you Dr Grey for doing this for me and James. I will never forget it.
Dr Grey
Oh I get paid just by the group, but I did fill out the paperwork for you both. All they ask is that you attend therapy when you are ready to. That could be a long way away or a short time. You have the doctors number when you are ready. Let's get this young man on the scales he looks better and maybe a few pounds heavier. James takes my hand and his mom and dad follow us while miss Randall waits with her security teams. I explain what I am going to do today to Mrs Morton and her sister and then James. We get his height and weight first and we then get his temperature along with his vitals. I test everything and he is advanced in everything. We do the blood draws and I ask if his shots are up to date?
Steven wouldn't allow me to take him to the doctor so he has never had any shots. The only time he was examined before this incident was when he was released after I gave birth to him. I hold him while she takes his blood and she says I want him to gain more weight before we give him his shots. Make sure he keeps his hands clean and avoid children with any colds for now. Or at least try. The blood work comes back and James needs to be given multivitamins and an antibiotic for an infection. She checks his tummy and she thinks his appendix is inflamed a little. She gives me a prescription and tells me to watch for vomiting and fever and him complaining of tummy pains. We leave and go to pick up the prescription. John gets a call stating we are being followed. Soon afterward we hear that the car is from GEH and they follow us and make sure we are home safely.
Mr Grey had me follow Miss Randall to assure her and the Morton wife and sons safety from her house and the hospital and his moms and then we go to the pharmacist that is where they discover I am following them. I see it is John and I call him and tell him about my latest assignment.
I should have known dr Grey was Christian Greys mother and he was making sure we get home safely. I let everyone know it is a GEH car and a friend giving us an extra hand in getting home safely. We have to be prepared for anything. Morton might be in jail but he has friends and enemies who might grab Hames and his mother at any moment. I am thinking that is why he had us followed and protected.
Are they safely home yet?
Yes they just went through the gate and John will give me the all clear soon. Five minutes later John calls me and says it is safe and they have started lunch if I want to join them.
Tell them to come up. Grey has more out there than Sawyer I am sure of that. They drive up and we open the gates for them and security makes sure they are indeed GEH security and allow them inside. We cook a lot of food and James is eating very well and so is Eloise. We have her things stored that can't be put in their bedrooms. A child monitor is already set up and we have video running to assure James safety.
Ryan Reynolds, Thomas Sawyer, Alex Smith and Tara Sanders join us for lunch. Sawyers phone rings and he answers it.
I have to go we need to leave right away close up after we leave turn on all your cctv footage and your alarms. Don't answer the door and call this number if you have any concerns or if anyone wants to speak to you that you don't know. Things are going down now. Do you have safe rooms in this place?
Yes four of them. Do we need to go into them now?
Not yet. If anyone that is not me calls you and doesn't give you this password it's not me. I hand it to her and tell the others to read it but don't say it. We think someone has bugged her home somehow. We need to do a sweep after we get back. Anastasia gets up and goes get a bug sweeper and she finds the bug immediately and hands it to me. It was in the things they brought from the Morton's house. We don't know who is behind the bug yet. So I place it in a Tupperware container with a kitchen towel around it and aluminum foil.
James and I wait until everything is scanned again for bugs. None were found yet. The ones in storage are not on the property. They put everything a self storage place and used a different name for the agreement.
I ask if anyone else can shoot if they need to. All of the adults hold their hands up. Are there enough guns on hand and can you get them quickly?
I show my gun and so does Emily and Anastasia then our security show theirs. I think Sawyer us shocked at the gun power we have here. He tells us to make sure James can't get to them.
I am off for now.

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