A Drunk Anastasia

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I have never seen Anastasia drink before tonight. I guess it was a hard day for her. Elliott let's get up to her room and put her to bed with her water and pills along with her trashcan.
Let's do it quickly. I pick Anastasia up and say does she ever eat? She must weigh 90 pounds if that.
I hadn't noticed, but she is too thin isn't she? What is she like five foot nothing?
I have no idea but she is really short in height but she commands a room when she needs to. Wait she has a gun in a holster under this jacket. Why is she wearing that today of all days.
I have no idea why she is wearing it. There were no threats that I know about unless her mother is out of jail. Damn I look at my phone and Carla was released this week. Her ex husband helped get her out early. I guess his current wife is getting served with divorce papers and he plans on marrying Carla again. The text messages keep going on and on. She was being prepared in case Carla showed up. That was why she was drinking her horrid mother is free and she will be her typical self. I think you and Christian no what she is like I heard she wanted a threesome and Elliott said he didn't want to be part of a train. Lol. She did that in front of Anastasia. I take her gun off her and hide it someplace. Then I decide to hand it to John, but he says to put it in the hidden door in the cupboard by the refrigerator. We have him hide it and go to the tv room and Christian is sound asleep. Mia and Barney are snoring too. We watch a horror show and go to bed. Emily throws blankets over the three sleepyheads.
I doubt they can make it home by this time. Anastasia was pretty drunk and she never drinks. Carla getting out early with the help of her ex husband. I can't believe he got her out of jail blaming everything on Steven Morton. She is a piece of work for sure. It unfortunately worked. I hope he drags her down to the bowels of hell when someone takes her life because there is no doubt they will.
I just hope she leaves Anastasia alone for good. We head to bed and finally rest. John and I are discussing starting our own family. With the two boys here it is hard not to want our own children. Anastasia said we could have a house built on her property and she would pay for it, it could be where we could enjoy privacy from all the company Anastasia gets. John could run the security from there and I can run the household staff from there as well. I don't like that idea, but we would have privacy. We decide to start having our own child.
Oh Lord I have fuzzy teeth, I see water and pills sitting on my bedside table and take them and drink all the water. I get up and shower after brushing the fuzziness out of my mouth. I walk down to the breakfast nook and grab some toast and jelly along with juice of some kind and water. I grab the recent newspaper and there she is getting married to the old geezer again. I read it again, because I think I see this time there is no prenuptial agreement. Oh Lord. Christian walks over and checks the story I am reading out and he laughs.
The joke is on Carla. Anastasia since she has been in jail he developed dementia and his health is failing there might not be a prenuptial agreement this time for a very good reason. I bought his company and the money he got for it went into a trust fund for his future children or existing stepchildren. Nothing goes to her, they are operating on minimal staff and nursing. Your mother married him before she knew what she was getting is basic costs of living. She will get his home and his cars along with furnishings. She will have to pay the property taxes on that huge house. She won't be able to afford it.
How do you know all of this?
His nephew told me about it. He thinks it's funny that Carla will be caring for his uncle until death do them part. You will inherit the bulk of his estate, well the money and the company are being left to you and any children Carla will give him. I doubt he can produce a child at this point.
Here we go again me being put in a battle with my mother because she wants things that don't belong to her or left to her.
Trust me you want to take the one company he wouldn't allow me to buy from him. It is a huge publishing company. You are one of their best authors. He had already decided to give it to you. When I bought his companies he refused to sell the publishing company because he wanted to leave it to you. He said it took you a lot of courage to stand up to your mother and because of that he saw you in a different light from the picture she painted of you.
Did you fall asleep here last night?
Yes your sofa was great to sleep in by the way. Where did you get it?
I write down the store and it's number and who to talk to and what model it was on the back of my business card.
Wow giving me your number so soon?
That's an old card and a disconnected number lol. I give them out to guys who won't stop asking for my number. Look at the name on it. Anastasia Morton never existed as far as I know. My mom created those cards pretending to be me.
So do I get the real number or not?
Christian I have no doubt that you already have my phone number. You just haven't been compelled to use it. Am I right to assume you ran background checks on everyone here?
You assume correctly. Can I call you sometime and maybe go to dinner away from the maddening crowds here?
You can call and ask me hopefully I will be free to go to dinner with you. Want breakfast?
I could use some food may I get some coffee while I watch you cook?
Sure sit at the counter after you get it. I grab bowls and pans then fix bacon eggs and pancakes for everyone. They will smell it before I call them down as usual. Eloise comes to the kitchen with two very hungry boys and they sit at the table in the nook both boys are in their high chairs. Smiling telling me hi Nadia or done for if my name. I laugh at how cute they are. I hand good for the boys first and then Eloise. I then place a full plate in front of him. I gather the milk and juice for Eloise and the boys. I hand her the vitamins for her and the boys a bottle for each of them. I wait until they swallow them and take the bottles back and put them back where they are supposed to be.
Do you always feed them before you feed yourself?
I had toast.
Toast is not a meal, I am asking if you feed everyone else before you eat yourself?
I think so, I guess I never thought of it before now.

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