A Car Crash From Hell

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Policeman Adams
I watch as Morton is placed in a different car and it looks odd. I see Anastasia close up finally. I knew that my uncle cared for her a lot and his wife and her mother Carla was trouble from what my father tells me, Anastasia was self sufficient nearly from birth. No one knows who her real father is because her mother doesn't know who she got pregnant by. She had three wonderful step fathers and all died under mysterious circumstances. Anastasia because she inherited their total estates was a suspect until they realized an infant can't kill their stepfather. The paperwork didn't have her age on it. I pulled all the investigators notes. The case might be closed but the killers weren't found. Carla's husband turned over evidence showing her trying to kill him with the same drugs and in the same way. The detectives are reopening the cases and going back through evidence and even though Steven Morton is dead his brother has been up to a lot himself. Stewart Samuels is a very smart cookie and he has been checking to find out Anastasia's real father.
National News
Photos of Carla Steele Randall Adams Morton Samuels was shot by her would be kidnapper, but she was accidentally attempting to kidnap two small boys from her daughter Anastasia Randall's home. Miss Randall refused to comment on this matter now or ever. Photos of the very beautiful daughter a look alike for her criminal mother. This daughter is nothing like her infamous mother.
Photos of Carla Samuels being arrested and taken to the hospital see page seven for this illustrious pair.
Conner Richards
I look at the photos and call to see if I can get color photos of the mother and the daughter. I show my mother the photos and she agrees that Carla looks like her long lost sister but she could be anyone and the daughter looks like my uncle. I pull out my phone and check the photos. He married moms younger sister after Carla disappeared from the face of the earth. Beth married Shawn McGuire, they have three children Vince,Lee and Sierra McGuire. I myself have had it up to the top hat of gold diggers.
Lisa Richards
I call Tom and tell him Conner and I are going to check something out. He says he saw the photos and to take security and Beth and Shawn with me. The kids can go after you get DNA evidence. We go pack and Beth and Shawn are waiting for us at the airfield to fly out to Seattle. Conner thinks we should approach miss Randall and talk to her about the DNA test first. Carla was never what you call a good person ever. Who knows what she would ask of us if we even approached her to do the test.
I look at the photo and all Carla's last names. She is unbelievable and I checked on the age of Anastasia and the time fits. She very well could be Shawn's daughter.
Meanwhile news of a car crash involving an ambulance carrying Carla ......Samuels made the news in the local news section. One fatality occurred unfortunately because of the way the gurney was they couldn't get to her handcuffs, but she was dead before they tried further. The oxygen tanks exploded leaving a few pedestrians injured. The people in the car that caused the accident ran from the scene. They were escaping because they just stole the car.
So any ideas as to how you want to do this? I mean we don't know a lot about her, do we? We do know about that horrible Carla.
Stewart Samuels
I order someone to go over all the analysis of the body from the were kind and make sure it is beyond a shadow of a doubt it is Carla. Because I can't believe it can be so easily done or happen in such a convenient way. My spider sense is tingling. Within twenty four hours the EMT and the guard have verified my wife was indeed dead and the ambulance blew up before they could retrieve her body. The DNA samples were hers from all the body tissue that was everywhere. I ask did Brandon Morton make it to prison or did Lincoln save him?
Addison Lincoln
My men couldn't get to Brandon in time because of the crash involving Carla. He is now awaiting trial and his arraignment is eminent. Unfortunately I can't represent him and he has to use a public defender.
Richard Lincoln
What the hell are you doing Addison? Elena will have my balls and now yours as well. One son dead and the other one going to prison for the rest of his life. You were supposed to make sure they stayed safe.
Elena Lincoln
What fresh Hell is this now? Ever since the boys encountered Carla they have had nothing but bad luck and getting caught. Now only one of my sons are left I think. Addison doesn't know who adopted the others because they took the girls from us. When you and your husband are in jail for a long time they tend to take your children away from you. Addison refused to become involved and walked away so he could keep away and keep his law licenses. He could have lost them because of us so he did the right thing to disassociate from us. Time to see Brandon if he is still in jail.
I have no clue who Richard And Elena Lincoln are but they have something to do with Addison Lincoln. When I finally met them I knew why they were here to see me, they are no doubt my biological parents. They are here to ask me to do a DNA test to prove one way or another if Thomas and James are mine and they are my parents. I can't do it and won't do it. Because they also included the fact they wanted my power of attorney so they could get the boys from people who love them. I refuse to let what happened to Steven and I to happen to Steven and my children if they are our children. I hope they aren't our children. I ask them to leave and I ask my public defender to get DNA tests for me because I want to rule out my paternity is ruled out. I have a plan. I want those boys free of the Lincoln family. They will end up behind bars. Abused and abusive and law breakers. No wonder Steven died the way he did, I plan on keeping alive and trying to steer clear of all this nonsense. I want to never have kids. Even Carla ended up badly. Stewart Samuels sent a message to me and I looked up his information and I don't think I am going to cross him. He wants me to stay away from Thomas and James for good. He sent a guy twice my size and the guy looked at me and said I would do what he asks if I were you and dissuade any of your family to also leave them alone. Especially the Lincoln's. All that happened before the Lincoln's came to see me. Richard and Elena didn't take no for an answer though. They hired an attorney to put energy into getting my DNA. How they got my DNA but they did sadly. But it turns out the boys aren't related in anyway.

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