A Step Too Far

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When I saw the photos of Anastasia Grey and how big her pregnant belly was I couldn't take it any longer Christian is mine and he is going to choose between me or Anastasia once and for all. I walk through the GEH lobby during the arrival of the staff members and I slip through but someone calls security after trying to get me to stop. I shoot her and she goes down bleeding and I point my gun at anyone that tries to come near me. I see a father bringing in his child and I grab them and hold the gun to the baby's head. I got their attention now. The father is begging for his child's life. I tell them to get Christian Grey here immediately. The staff are watching and suddenly I hear, he is on his way miss?
Henderson head of security New York office GEH
They just got aboard his jet and he will be here, but it will be a while. Can we get you something while we wait?
Take me to see the monitors so I can make sure no one surprises me. I grab the baby and hand him to the security guy and tell him to move and take us where the security office is. I make the father come with me. I tell the staff to hand over their weapons now and place them in the bag I have brought with me carrying the bomb a friend of mine made. The security office has been told to stand down and lay their guns down or I will kill the baby. They have and I have a very nervous father get the guns and place them in my bag as well.
The cops tell me that Leila shot three times but sources inside say it is just one victim so far. I ask who the sources were and it turns out it is Henderson is using our communication device we recently gave all our security people for this kind of thing. We developed it ourselves and they are testing them for us, seems it is working quite well. Now to figure out how to get her to turn loose of her hostages. The building is being evacuated as quickly and quietly as possible according to the swat teams. Too bad the windows will need to be penetrated in the security office. Hopefully she will stay in there. My people know what us expected of them when this happens. Let the professionals handle it.
Minnie Moore
Barney called and told me that Anastasia had her baby and he and Mia are there now. He explained that Christian wasn't there because of an emergency in New York. I asked what kind of emergency would take him to New York when Anastasia was about to give birth. When he tells me, I decide to make a call after buying a burner phone. The person that taught me well during our captivity owed me and I am going to call in my favor now. This Leila person will not be a problem any longer. A trained sniper can be useful to know.
Sir we need to be careful, look up.
I look up but don't see anything, Jason assures there are snipers in place. I asked who called for them?
I don't know, but I know they are there.
Louis Rogers
I watch as this bitch put a gun to my child's head and didn't bat an eye. She made me her slave and I wanted to take the guns and shoot every bullet in them into her, but my baby is in her hands and a gun pointed at his head. She suddenly hears that Mr Grey is outside the building and willing to talk to her if she will turn us loose. Starting with the baby. He won't come in and talk to her if she doesn't give the baby to the father. Suddenly she hands me my baby. Mr Grey is walking inside the doors alone. She is about to open the door when suddenly glass cracking is heard and Leila falls on the floor. I escape the scene and I don't look back. The receptionist body is still laying on the floor near her desk. I cover my sons eyes.
I was just about to get my dream man when I heard the glass crack and something came flying at my head. After that I can't recall crap except seeing what looks like fire and the devil waiting for me. I scream in pain as the fires keep getting bigger around me.
Unknown sniper
Minnie Mouse and I say our final goodbyes and we are even now. I get up pull off the coveralls and place the rifle in my draft container. My satchel contains my drawings and the rifle fits inside easily and can't be seen. The coveralls are zipped up in the satchel. It's a good thing I am tiny. I walk out of the elevator of the building next door to GEH. No one noticed anything but what was happening at GEH. So they failed to notice my absence and an open window with a rifle pointed at the GEH security offices. As soon as I got a clear shot I took it. No more Leila Williams. I have no idea why she asked this of me and I don't care, the woman had a gun to a babies head and when she let his dad have him back I took the shot and I never miss. I walk over and ask what is going on next door. My boss says it is a hostage situation and mr Grey has to talk to the hostage taker. He tells me it was a woman that was stalking mr Grey. I go back to work and place the container hoking the rifle on the floor next to me to take home with me. I went to my place during lunch to get everything I needed for this situation. I call Minnie on my burner phone and tell her the plans are done. She thanks me and I tell her to enjoy her home and hopefully you will contact me with other plans.my way of saying keep in touch.
Henderson called and the sniper took Leila out, mr Grey and I wait in the lobby as he asks for the information on the receptionist and the father and son. We talk to Louis Rogers about what happened and find out he was applying for job as a security person when the woman took his son and put a gun to his sons head. I tell mr Grey he has a son and we should get back to Seattle now. Security has everything on video.

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