Wedding Bliss

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The day was like a blur and we finally left on the GEH jet after we got through all the important wedding things. Prior to the wedding we asked Kate and Elliott to move out and gave them until we got back from our honeymoon to do it. Anastasia said she was going to ask them because she was getting tired of poor Emily having to pick up underwear that wasn't her or her husbands. Plus they were getting too relaxed and walking around in underwear. Emily miscarried twice and Anastasia put her on office work only. She gives the household staff orders now.
Kate was not happy about things but I told her that Emily had hired her staff for her new place and Elliott was paying for it all. Elliott moved up his time schedule to get the new home he built next door to his parents house. He finally asked her to marry him after we left the reception. She sent photos of it. All of it worked out great. We flew to New York and had a great time. Then we went and stayed a week on a island at a private estate with a private beach. We had a lot of moments under the stars. Skinny dipping and walking around naked and ready lol. We decided to try for a honeymoon baby. Then we head to England and from there Paris. By the time we get to Italy we are tan and unrecognizable by the press who tried to follow us everywhere. We think they are hoping for some illicit photos of us. Suddenly I see a familiar face and security notices her as well. Leila is standing across the street watching us eat. Who does this kind of stalking?
Sawyer.and Ryan approach her and tell her to leave and she says no to them.
I can't believe she found us and is still stalking us. Sawyer comes over and tells me we need to leave now. I then see why, she has her friends from Seattle with her. I tell him to have the jet ready and we will be taking off as soon as we can. He and three bodyguards surround us as we get in the car three policeman have detained the girls and Leila. I call Bruce Williams and tell him what Leila is up to. He says it is just a coincidence and he will contact her as soon as he hangs up. We get to hotel and pack our bags we got three days at least in Paris.
Let's go home we are safer there. Plus we can make sure they are arrested and stay in jail this time for violating the restraining orders. We are able to get away from the hotel easily, but something is nagging at me. Christian how could they find us at that restaurant in Paris? I get a google alert and it shows photos of Leila and her friends being taken into custody. But I notice paparazzi standing close by. For them to get those hoots there has to be more following us around and not ones who are our fans. We finally are taking off to Seattle. We are cutting our trip short by three days.
We arrive in Seattle and head home. I carry Anastasia over the threshold and see that the house is very quiet. Everyone goes to their stations and I call John to let them know we are in the house now.
They know the cctv cameras alerted them to our arrival.. we go to shower and fall asleep as soon as our heads the pillows.
I call dad and tell him we are home and we need to talk about Leila and her friends violating the restraining order. This time I want them to be put in jail. I have all the google things along with all the news reports on our honeymoon. They paint Leila as a scorned lover, she was never a lover or even a friend. She was a business associates daughter is all that she was. He said he will find out more about this and see how we can press charges against her.
Minnie Mouse
I have gotten paid and assured the money was in a safe place until I could get it in the persons hands that needs it. I walk back to my foster parents home. I go inside and watch as they feed my son. I was one of the mildly lucky people who survived human trafficking, but I came out pregnant. I taught myself how to fight and how to kill quietly and make it look like an accident. I studied household accidents and poisonings and became a killing machine and helped others escape and I finally had to escape after realizing with another females help that I was pregnant. The foster care system was difficult at first. But I learned human nature and who was actually wanting to help and who is using the kids. Let's just say a few had household accidents when they attempted to have sex with me. I might be tiny, but I pack a wallop with a crow bar, but I set up traps on stairs that only I knew how to trigger them. Then I jerk their underwear and pants off like they were going to rape me and tripped over their own clothes and died. I worked on various ways to kill people so I could be hired to terminate bad people. I have been trying to find out who my parents were. One day I will find out who they were.
Security brings me a box and they have scanned them. I open it and it is documents a photo albums that I have never seen before. My mom was in a photograph with me and a baby. It was a photo of a new born. The one and only newborn in the box of photos. Mom was in a hospital bed with me and the baby behind her is a photo of a tall red headed man. This is very strange.

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