Unbelievable (Graphic Death)

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Richard Lincoln
We were tracked down to be given restraining orders to stay away from the Linwood's, Randall's, Grey's and anyone in their employee or they are dating. They covered quite a few people in the restraining orders.
So that means Anastasia and the boys as well. You just had to go and see the boys, the boys we know aren't our grandchildren now. Brandon showed us the documents and had us sign that we received the documentation and read that the Linwood sons aren't our grandsons. I don't believe this is true. If it isn't our sons then who is their father? So those girls cheated on our sons.
I think you know they didn't and I also think you know what they were doing to those young ladies. You yourself have been known to drug your victims to get your way with them and you weren't feeling remorse when the girls you made money off became pregnant after you drugged them for friends of yours and mine so they got a virgin. So we can't be throwing bricks at a glass house. You taught them that.
They never learned it from me. I think we forget who does that himself and that was how we got pregnant each time. You trusted the guys to use protection and believed them when they said they couldn't procreate like you were a 14 year old virgin. People lie and they really lie when they are sexually stimulated, well a lot do. Not everyone can lie. Well we need to just leave before we get arrested again. Can't have all our arrest warrants catch up to us here.
What about Brandon?
He wants nothing to do with us anymore. I think we should leave before Carla's daughters karma bites us in the ass like it has our children.I start packing up our suitcases and get my makeup suitcase filled up and ready to go.
I hear the knocking at our hotel room and go to answer it. As the door opens we are met with the FBI with an arrest warrant and a search warrant. We didn't come to Seattle alone and they found our hiding place. We are handcuffed and told they found what we were hiding and how many and their ages. It is not hard to gather product because product is everywhere.
George Daniels FBI agent Seattle division
I would appreciate if you stop calling humans product for sale. I throw a photos of all the humans they had in box trucks and storage areas. They were moving them to an auction warehouse out on an isolated property. They were about to sell all of the one hundred plus humans they had actually got from the Seattle area and the outlying areas. All were sent for treatment at hospitals. Family members were all coming to see if their missing person was finally found. It was sad. Jim couldn't be involved in the raid for very good reasons.
Rats coming out of the woodwork to get a deal. The Lincoln's had a huge operation Seattle was just to entertain them while they handled other business. Brandon Morton refused to talk about it at all. Huge mistake, one of the girls and her baby were amongst the people found. Her brother got wind of it and Brandon paid for his refusal with his tongue being ripped out of his mouth. To say he didn't survive would be a subtle commentary as to the horrible death he had. They couldn't prove who had done it. But they were very inventive. They clamped his tongue and hung him up with it the clamp cut slowly and he died because the blood drowned him finally until his tongues was hanging and he was laying blue on the floor and blood running from his mouth. It was very gruesome.
When they came for me I knew they were not wanting a new chess player for their group. They gave me one last wish, I asked them not to kill me. Wrong wish they guy holding a clam that looked odd it was on a chain. They tied my hands behind my back and the clamp was placed on my tongue and I was pulled up at first there was something holding me head in an angle and they started beating me and I started tasting blood in my mouth each time they hit me it got worse and I was finally not able to breathe because the blood was getting to be too much. I couldn't yell for help because each movement I felt something cutting deeper and deeper on my tongue and inside my mouth in every direction. I started seeing only darkness and my breathing stopped. I see Steven waiting for me laughing as he opens a door leading to a huge fire. He drags me into it and welcomes me to hell.
Prison Guard Carson
I start to do the count and notice We have a missing prisoner, one that everyone hates after they found out about him and his parents selling humans off to the highest bidder. Unfortunately I wasn't the one to find him. We don't have any idea when he was killed or how he was killed, but we do know that he was killed. No one is talking ironic he wasn't either. We found his tongue first and then his body rolled into the shower at the end. He was naked. Investigators could only establish an estimated time of death and there was no DNA evidence or even what they used to kill him with. Creativity is the mother of invention and the prisoners have been known to be very creative in what they use and create to kill unwanted amongst them. We were supposed to waiting for an order to put him in isolation to protect him. The documents came too late. I am glad I don't have to clean the mess up or do the paperwork. Everyone knows this was not a one on one killing, but we will never prove who did what in this murder.

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