Chapter Fifty-Three| News?

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A few guards arrived the greet the group of four, Leo grinning as he spotted Giulia in the crowd, who was busy fighting off a thief in the back.

Chris walked up, a smile on his face.
"Good to have you guys back, but what even happened?", he asked.
"We-", Nichole pushed her partner to the side, a cocky smile appearing. "Allow me." "Fine, then you'll explain."
Nikki laughed, playfully shoving her partner, purple hair flying around, clutching her neck.

"Our troublemaker got himself into some issues. And guess who had to help him get out.", she moaned. "What'd you do,brother?", Chris asked, his question directed at Luca. "Well, if I can butt in here...these people already had be arrested.", Seb added.
Chris raised a brow, letting his friend continue.
"And welp, when Blondie and Leo arrived at the gate, our silver fox caused some drama, and guards tried to capture them.", the brunette finished.
"Seriously? You got caught?", Chris asked, grinning.
"Who, me?", both asked, Leo bursting into laughter.
"You don't really think either of them was caught against their will?", the guard asked, barely containing his laughter, before bursting again.
"Ehh, could be. Depends honestly. Let me guess, bracelet?", Chris asked, merely glancing at his brother, who nodded.

Lucy ran towards her husband, carrying little Lynx in her arms, who had grown even bigger, and grown strands of purple in his blonde hair.
Fear crippled the warriors chest as she attempted to escape, and relief showered her as she reached Chris.
After handing over Lynx to his parents, she leaned her hand on her husband, pale as snow.
"Lucy, what's wrong?", Chris asked, his eyes scanning her body.
"Big problem, Chris. Leonard...; we got attacked, I....-I.....", Lucy breathed, holding herself against a tree, trying to calm herself.
Lynx babbled, and cuddled against his mom, Luca walking up to Chris and Lucy.
"White people....they're everywhere...", she explained, closing her eyes.
"White people...?", Chris questioned.
In her distress, she didn't notice the white dresses people had followed her, and two held a sword on her from behind.
None of the men saw it, but Lucy was too focused on calming down to realize.

'Look at that...we got you miss ocean eyes. You're coming with us.'
A voice hissed in her head.
In her fear, she screamed, and loud.

Meanwhile Luca had gotten a chance to assess what  Lucy had said, and take note of some white dressed people running up from far away.
As he saw blades appear, he threw his own, seeing blood spread as Lucy dropped.
Three white dresses people turned visible, and changed targets, now aiming at Nichole instead.
Luca grabbed his partners' hand and was about to teleport away, when Lynx sent off a powerful blast of black flames, distracting the men king enough all parties could flee.

"Mama...", a soft voice mumbled.
"Mama.", it echoed again.
Everyone was wondering if it was real, then it sounded again. "Mama...Dada."
Now all heads turned towards Lynx, who smiled brightly at them. As the parents were busy celebrating their sons first words, Chris and Lucy took the opportunity to move away, directing their house.

Once at home, a blue eyed boy basically jumped directly at them.
"Leandro?", Lucy mumbled, watching her son nervously hop around.
"Where's Giulia?"
"Sorry?", his dad asked.
"Where's Giulia. Kian's in here...sick. Where's Giulia?!"
"No idea...-hold on, you said the king is in here, sick?"
"Show us, now."
Leandro lead Lucy towards the unconscious king, who was breathing heavily, a book on his chest.
She recognized the signs of poison, and removed the book, laying it on the desk right beside the sofa.
"What happened 'Andro?", she asked, her son shrugging.
"Giu brought him here like this around three hours ago, haven't seen her since."
Silence followed, where Lucy attempted to cool the king's temperature.
Hours passed, and nothing changed.

At once, the door bust open, and Lucy heard footsteps hurry towards her, followed by panting.
From the sounds of it, she could tell it couldn't have been her husband, but she waited on whoever bist in her house regardless.
At last, she felt warm breath down her throat, and a grip, as if the person was about to fall.
With one hand, she grabbed the other person, sitting them down beside her.
"Mom...dark knights everywhere! Keske followers, everything everywhere! This...this is really bad. We need to stop Keske as fast as we can, he's controlling wizards now!", Giulia rambled, gripping her partners hand, collecting herself for a spell.
"Honey..please calm down a bit. Take a-", Lucy's efforts were cut off. "Medicio polaris becum.", Giulia hissed, panicking as the king's wounds increased.
"Medicio polaris becum.", she repeated, shaking.
Again, nothing. "Medicio polaris becum!", she almost screamed, and a light surrounded her, creating a powerful glow on the king's body too.
Slowly, Kian bat open his eyes, closing them again, unwillingly grumbling.

"Come on, I know it's bright, but please open your eyes.", Giulia whispered, stroking Kian's face, the same movement over and over.
"Come on, look at me. I know you can do it.", the guard encouraged, her tone sounding rather drowsy.
Slowly, the like green eyes opened, and more grumbling followed.
Eventually, the kings eyes landed on Giulia.
"Finally. You scared the hell outta me.", she breathed, brushing back one strand of hair as Kian moved his head to her lap, cuddling against her, shivering.
"At least you're okay now. As soon as you're better, we can finally show Keske who's boss!", Giulia mumbled, her eyes shutting themselves again and again, but she shook herself awake every time.

"Baby..maybe go sleep.", Lucy suggested, which she ignored.
"Baby, that wasn't a question. You should go to sleep.", Lucy repeated, Giulia ignoring her mom again.
"Please baby, I'm just-"
A grunt interrupted her.
"I'm not tired, mom. Please leave."
Lucy fell silent, and Giulia realized her tone went to sound more and more drowsy.

Eventually, both her and Kian drifted off to sleep for the night.
A chuckle was the last sound to break the silence that night, and as the morning sun arose, so did the people ready to defeat the king of the demons.
This wouldn't be like any battle they'd had before, and they knew this day would decide the fate of the kingdom.

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