Fourteen| Snow day

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Later at the ball

Liam and Mahina were standing by the wimdow, letting the falling snow enchant them.
"It's gorgeous.", Mahina whispered, her eyes widening happily.
"Absolutely. Although it could never reach how gorgeous you are.", Liam added, hugging the queen from behind.
All the other guests had left, only the siblings and their parents stayed. And Giulia and Kian were talking to Chris and Lucy.
Mahina giggled, leaning back in the hug.
"You know what, Liam?", she asked, tilting her head.
"Hm?", he responded, still focused on the beauty of the snow.
"If you're still down, I might enjoy being your Juliette. You're still a bit of an asshole after all. But, I love you." , she smiled, nervously waiting for a response.
"I'll always be YOUR Romeo, let's see how well you play the Juliette then, gorgeous.", he joked, brushing back her hair.
"Okay..fair.", Mahina smirked, spinning around and laying her hands on Liam's chest.
He looked at her, stretching his neck to lay his head on hers.
They bobbed to the beat of the ending song, finishing the last piece of chicken.
"Wanna head to the fireplace? I would love to sit down.", Mahina smiled and Liam nodded excitedly.
Before she went to the couch too, Mahina went and grabbed a scarf She found laying around, and took it with her. It was a conveniently long scarf, the queen laughed at this discovery.
She sat down next to Liam, leaning her head on his shoulder. Ethan and Justin had also shown up at some point.
"You think they knew?", Liam calmly asked.
Mahina shrugged, cuddling against Liam.
Feeling completely safe, she started to relax and get sleepy.
"I really, really enjoy being so close to you.", she mumbled. He grinned, stroking her.
"Me too, Mahy. Me too. Guess we found our mates.", he replied, kissing her hair.
"Mhm...let's not speed through. I wanna enjoy every moment.", Mahina smiled, her voice sounding more and more tired.
"You sleepy?", Liam asked, pulling her closer.
"Mhm..", the queen mumbled as she drifted off, curling up on Liam's lap as she breathed calmly, now asleep.
"Sleep well gorgeous.", Liam mumbled, to shy to stand up, so he moved a bit so both were laying, her curling up on his chest, still in her, this time comfier, ball dress.
He smiled, noticing Kian walk up, having left his parents conversation.

"She asleep?", he softly asked.
Liam nodded.
"Guess you finally found each other. She's been going crazy without you here.", Kian whispered.
"How?", Liam asked, trying not to wake her up.
"As in...really on edge, really distraught and itching to fight everyone.", Kian whispered as a reply, smiling at his sister sleep.
"She's in her dress, how can she sleep?", Liam asked, grinning.
"Well, when she's as tired as right now, she can sleep anywhere and in anything. Oh and by the way, both parents still didn't find out why you are back, captured etc, so good luck with that. Sleep tight Mahy.", Kian whispered, before leaving.
Liam smiled.
"Why are you so cute when asleep gorgeous?" he asked, kissing her forehead. He had zero chance to get up, so Dana fired up the fire again, smiling at the pairing no one thought was a thing.
"Sleep well, I'm guessing you gotta stay here.", she grinned. Liam silently laughed, and nodded.
"I literally can't get up..", he whispered, kissing Mahina's forehead again, stroking her head gently.
She smiled in her sleep.

~~Two days later~~

It was still snowing outside, and Mahina had already wandered off into the white lands of the country she was raised in.
Her breath formed clouds in the air, a few sole birds sang their songs.
"Food! Here!", she heard a feathered friend call, followed by "Yppieh!"
She smiled.
From afar, a beige haired woman approached, her sweater warming her even without a coat.
"Hey Dana!", the queen greeted, waving.
"Hey! Glad to see you, wanna take a walk?", Dana asked, her eyes sparkling.
Mahina nodded, following her friend.

"Aren't you cold Dana?", the brown haired queen wondered.
"Nope...I control fire, it keeps me warm.", she smiled.
The queen's breath formed more and more clouds as she grew more and more excited, although she couldn't figure out why.
Then, Dana must've heard something that made her perk up, she sped up.
"Someone's in trouble..", she briefly explained.
The queen followed.

Arriving where the yells apparently came from, they saw nothing at first.
"You sure we're right? I mean, the screams could come from the woods.", Mahina wondered, but her friend focused on the woods in their front, sternly looking around.
Shortly after, shadowy creatures broke through the woods, riding on wild horses.
Mahina gasped, her breath cut short, she tried to get air desperately. She recognized the cloaked creatures, but couldn't say a word.
"Seems my doll will be back in my arms, don't you think the same, gorgeous?", Lord Keske asked.
Mahina shivered, not realizing Dana looked over to her.
"Leave her alone! We won't let you hurt her again!", Dana shouted, growling.
The evil lord just laughed.
"She will be mine, weakling. You can't stop me!"
Dana growled, purple flames sprouting from her hands, whilst Mahina was having trouble breathing from fear.
"Oh please, hand her over before you get yourself hurt missy.", the 'lord' ordered.
Dana growled, letting the flames sprout as high as she could.
Fearlessly, she attacked the men, growling of anger, her protective senses taking over.
"You won't fucking take her! This Mayland Generation will do anything to protect, I would fight to the end for her!", the usually shy girl growled.
A sword pierced Mahina's body, pissing of Dana even more.
She let out a gasp of pain, being able to catch her breath even worse.
Now lord Keske was above her.
"Promise to be mine and you won't suffer!", he repeated, attempting to touch her.
"Never!", the queen growled.
"This wasn't an option. Knock her out, I need my mate back!", the lord shouted, ordering his men to shoot at her, but an obsidian barrier stopped the shots last second.
"What?! Try again!", the man ordered, now firing himself as well. Still, the barrier protected her.
"You'll never be my mate..asshole.", Mahina growled, before some sort of magic took a toll on her, causing the queen to collapse.
"She'll be mine,'s about time the queen learns manners.", the lord whispered, a maniacal smile on his face.
"Not with me idiot! Leave her alone!", a male voice sounded from afar.
The lord looked up, seeing a pretty pissed Liam a few meters away from him.
"What the?! I was told you were dead! Queen Mahina's my mate, she's just too stubborn to admit it!", the lord growled.
Liam didn't think twice.
He rushed towards the lord, throwing him on the ground in fury.
Following behind him, his dad build an even stronger barrier around the queen, now also Sheila appearing behind Liam.
"If you touch her again, I'll fucking kill you.", Liam coldly stated.
He turned to face Mahina, who was full of blood, two blades through her.
By that point, all Liam could think about was to save her, no matter what.

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