Eleven| Demon souls ti the rescue...almost

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Now weeks later, the prisoners were forcefully trapped in their minds, guards rarely allowed them to talk.
'Security risk' they explained, forcing them quiet.
Liam and Elias were going insane, not being allowed to say a word and hearing their sisters and Dana cry...each night.
Nothing changed, the same old routine each day and night. Only about two sentences a day, some weakling food that they didn't eat, no news from below.

In the middle of the night, a sound of breaking glass was heard, quiet footsteps made their way towards the cells. A figure with Angel-like wings and black hair.
The figure flew around, seeing Liam, still awake.
Her eyes lit up.
"Finally! I've been looking for you! I know how things roll here, but I'm here to give a message. They noticed your powers aren't disappearing, they're planning on eliminating you. But, I bought you time. Don't worry, we'll get you out.", the spirit with gold eyes said in a hushed voice, leaving Liam with a shy glimpse of hope.
The next few days, Liam started to rebel, keeping his mouth open when he pleased, he had an idea, his Casanova brain had started working again.
As a female guard came by to check on him, he winked. His plan was set in motion.

"You doing fine Donovan?", she calmly asked, brushing back her golden hair.
Liam smirked.
"Well beauty, I'm always better when you're around. Considering how bad the others treat me, you're an Angel on earth.", he winked, delighted to see a shy smile on the guard. "Stop talking. Now.", she ordered, but not without a blush appearing on her face.
"Well beautiful, I can't only just describe your character, I wanna know how I should call you.", he flirted, messing with his hair.
He knew they were planning the end, and he had a plan to get them out.

Days passed, Liam kept flirting with the gorgeous guard, although he could only see the Angel-like queen in her.
"Hey handsome.", she grinned after another week.
"Hey Mila. How come you look more and more like an angel everyday?", Liam smirked, brushing the hair out of his face.
"Seems your doing well.", Mila replied, shooting a smile at him.
"Always when you're around.", the flirt smiled, his eyes speaking of mischief.
She didn't notice, but a panicked smile spread across her face. "They'll finish you soon.", she whispered, trying to grab the prisoners' face frantically.
"You know when?", Liam asked, copying her expression on purpose.
"Three days. They're sick of you. But, I'll be right there.", she comforted, as a single tear dropped on the male's face.
"Shut up, prisoner!", a male guard ordered, causing Liam to flinch.
"He's answering to me!", Mila shot back, instinctively slapping the guy she was talking to, Liam.
He frowned, and the 'game' continued onward,  the day planned to end them, passed. Nothing had happened, also four days later, all was peaceful.
At least until the middle of the night.
The cell door bust open, and Liam was shook awake.

"Get up. Now.", the guards ordered, forcing their blades to his throat. Weak in his knees, he followed.
Upon entering the final room he thought he would see again, he prayed. He begged that his loved ones would be okay.
The rest of his captured friends were in there with him.
"Any last words?", a guard asked.
Neither of them spoke up , but Liam whispered.
"Please, let Mahy be okay..."

The arrows were aimed, the guards spoke the last words they'd hear.
"Executing executive order. Most dangerous beings about to be eliminated, inform Calcia's majesties. The world is is did. from these...supernaturals from now on.", a cold voice uttered, sounds of a fired bow echoed, as arrows hit the friends straight in the chest.
A minute full of pain later, they collapsed.
A guard checked their pulse.

"They're gone. We've fulfilled our quest.", the female responded, walking back off.
The bald man scoffed, letting the friends bodies' float around, crashing them on the ground. Again and again.

"I've waited to long for this. Finally...revenge!", he half-screamed, then ordered the bodies to be taken out.
Later that same night, the windows of the cell busted. Creatures with red, yellow and purple eyes entered, their ears and tail twitching.
The bodies were resting together in one cell, ready to be thrown out and or sliced apart.

"Where are they?!", the purple eyed whisper yelled.
"I don't know. Keep looking Mahy.", the red eyed figure hushed, leading his sisters along the hallway.
"That's useless. There's too many.", the purple eyed woman groaned.
The others sighed, then nodded.
"I won't give up. I wanna find him, at all costs.", yellow eyed snarled.
The others agreed hesitantly, until they noticed a golden haired woman in the hall, yellow eyed went up to her.

"Excuse me!", she whispered.
Mila flew around, almost screaming, but she caught herself.
"What are you doing here?!", she whispered.
"We're looking for our friends. Donovan's are some of 'em." yellow eyed explained, the others woman's eyes widened.
"I'm sorry for your loss. Our men executed them per executive order.", Mila explained in a hushed tone.
An angry yell was barely held silent by yellow eyed.
"Where are the bodies?!", she harshly questioned, angrily filling her arms with flames.
"I'll show you.", Mila agreed, and led the three to the cell where their friends bodies laid.
Mahina broke open the cell, rushing over.
The connection wasn't cut, and just like Dehja she was going crazy of her soul friend being...gone.
The triplets lifted them up, carrying their friends outside.
Mahina, naturally, carried Liam in her arms, refusing to carry someone else, causing Kian to carry three.
Spreading their wings, and without further conflict, the three descended from Aether, Mahina crying as she flew.

"I'll safe you. No one just hurts my Romeo and gets away.", she growled, tears creating patterns on her body. How often one had to safe the others was insane by now, but they didn't care.
"I might never GET to be your Juliette, but you'll always be MY Romeo..", she whispered, her wings drying her tears.
Dehja was also crying over Dana.
"It will be okay, love.", she whispered, softly avoiding a few birds flying, causing her to almost drop Audrey and Dawn.
"Let's safe you guys.", she whispered, a shy smile spread her face.
"We gotta hurry!", Kian reminded, as all of them sped up. They had to safe their friends, but how?!

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