Chapter Fifty-One| Keske's worst fear

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Now that the aetherial warriors had reached earth again, Luca and Nichole had a plan.
They made their way to the chambers, relieved to find the demon queen still captive, but Luca counts help but stare at Nikki's glowing aura.

The couple reached the cell, holding hands, Luca carrying Chris' blade.
The evil queen flinched in fear upon seeing them.

"What..what...-how is she here?", she stuttered, glaring at Nichole. "I went to Aether. And actually, it's kinda not fair to take my title as queen of evil, but I'll pass on that.", Nikki replied, laughing.
"I'm sure you're aware Keske is above us. And you're coming when we go up.", Luca added.
"Why?", the demon  asked fearfully.
"You're leverage, actually. Plus, I think I deserve payback on you for killin' me, don't you think?", Nikki replied, her blade directed towards the queen's throat. Nichole continued explaining, the queen moving to completely ignoring Luca as she froze in fear.

"What you're gonna do is follow us upstairs and we're gonna force Keske to surrender. Any single wrong move, and I'll kill you, personally. Not only because you hurt the king and queens, but because half my family died at your hand. It's bad enough you've messed up your letters before."
Luca laughed, gently stroking Nichole's hand as he held her blade threateningly.

"You better listen. We don't want your son to grow up an orphan.", Luca growled, his eyes sparkling.
"How...what if it doesn't work?", the queen stuttered.
"From my experience I know it will.", Luca replied, Nichole throwing him a sorrowful look.
The queen had found and picked up on the opportunity to switch topics.

" were leverage?", she asked, the question directed at Luca. "You really seem to have lived under a fucking rock. But you'll have to deal living without an answer for now, but one thing; she's my Achilles' heal.", Luca angrily replied, another pout from Nichole following.

However together, the couple held both blades against the queen as they cut her chains.
"You'll do exactly what we say, got it? Otherwise...we have no reason to keep you alive.", Nichole threatened, seemingly words that had been recited to her.
<Hilgers say it. And remember, try something and you're done with. We have no good use for you!>
Luca flinched slightly, reading in her mind what she'd been reciting. Now it was his turn for a sorrowful look.

"Move it. One step after the other. Until we're there, not a word out of you!", Luca growled, dragging the woman forward, and forcing her head down, his blade creating shivers.
Fearfully, the woman followed, attempting to trick them here and there, but nothing worked against them.

Whilst walking, Nichole's mind reviewed a dark memory, much of it clear, only details blacked out.

A sword had been held to her throat, ten Calcian guards had her surrounded, giving her only little view of the Sullivans surrounding her beloved Luca, who threw stones since unarmed.
Threats followed in her direction, however she only remembered one clearly, "Hilgers say it. And remember, try something and you're done with. We have no good use for you!"
She was forced to beg Luca to surrender, her life at stake. "Remember, try anything and she's dead.", were some exact words, but Luca's reaction had been more painful to watch. This encounter had just brought back bad memories.
Eventually, they entered the throne room, still the same as the one she was held in in her past.
Keske sat on the chairs, wiggling his tail in a provocative motion.
"Say it, demon. Try anything and you're done for.", Nichole hissed, the woman gulping.
More guards followed the couple's lead, but Nichole kept herself focused to the demon kings reaction.

"Keske! Baby, listen to me!!", the queen shouted, in tears of fear. Chris had snook by, and managed to steal the demon kings weapons.
"Amara!", the king yelled.
His feet picked up, and he raced towards his partner.
"Not one more step if you want her to get away freely.", Luca growled, strengthening his hold on the woman.

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