Thirteen| Reunited after months

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More time had passed, and the chances of Liam returning were bad.
It was their dinner time, and Dehja was happily eating, enjoying her food, and Kian was reading whilst eating.
Mahina however, was sat alone at her space on the small table, merely taking small bites off the food.
A cooking helper ran by, stopping to notice the queen wasn't eating. She softly asked what was going on.

"Are you alright? This is usually your favourite food, is something wrong?"
"I-I'm okay. I just already ate today, had some chicken before from a hunt, sorry.", the queen smiled, fidgeting with her fork.
The 'servant' sighed and nodded, before going her way again.
Kian held an eye on his sister, saw her acting unlike herself.
He kept quiet, and waited for her to say something.
Snow had fallen, the first of the year.
Her love for snow was something Mahina shared with only one other person, with Liam.
She sighed, putting down her fork, and left for the window.
Dehja had also noticed something was wrong, and whispered to Kian, who grunted, then agreed.
The snowfall wasn't slowing down, it looked like someone had spread sugar all over the hills, a beautiful picture.
"I'll go outside! Enjoy your food!", she yelled, before leaving. She wore a long sleeved dress, in all grey with accents and high boots, with some sawn wings onto them.
"aaand she forgot a coat..", Dehja sighed, holding Dana's hand.
"She's really out of it lately, ain't she?", Dana mumbled, looking into Dehja's eyes.
The queen nodded, sighing.
"Kian has noticed too. She's really different from how she used to be. No idea why.", Dehja sighed again, watching her sister stroll in the snow, her eyes sparkling.

Then, the queen noticed something. From the sky flew angels in golden armor, aetherial guards.
The winged creatures stopped, then knocked on the door, Kian ignored everything.
Giulia was outside too, watching the coat less queen worriedly.
Dehja opened, hesitantly letting the guards of Aether inside.
"Thank you, Majesty. It seems we came at an unfortunate time however. It'll be quick.", the woman assured, bowing before the royals.
The man following her followed suit.
"We came to recognise our mistake. It seems we did a terrible deed, but believe me it was in an effort to protect the throne.", the man explained, holding his head low.
"Precisely. However, our master saw this action as important and righteous. It seems the Donovan family specifically caused him trouble before. Again, our deepest apologies. We did what we had to in our best efforts.", the lady added, allowing a small pause before she continued.
"Is it possible they are revived? We didn't realise the importance of these werewolves to the throne, nor that they represent the most power of any other werewolf, therefore commanding respect.", she finished, before they bowed and left.
The siblings were left in confusion and sadness, only then hearing multiple voices in the hallway.

"We're back! Feels so great to be outside!", a happy voice yelled, and shortly after Dawn dashed out of the door.
Dehja grinned, seeing Elias and Audrey follow, the latter still a bandage on her chest.
"Yes! Nothing can take us that easy, these angels can suck it! Oh wait...they can't cuz we left!", Elias laughed, then saw Mahina in the snow.
"How long has she been out there?", he asked, brushing back his hair.
Kian perked up, seeing Giulia run in, he blushed.
"Hm?", Kian asked, then turned his head to see his sister roam around, visibly freezing.
"I got her. You guys stay here.", he mumbled, putting his book aside and getting two coats.
"I can get her too. Just stay here and-", Elias offered, but the king was already outside.

"I can't loose him...I-I can't...I would go insane...", Mahina shivered, her arms covering her chest.
"Hey..", Kian softly spoke, gaining his sisters attention.
She shivered, and her eyes were filled with worry. And tears, although that was almost daily by now.
"I got you a coat, come on, take it.", Kian explained, trying to hand her the cloth.
She shook it off, claiming she wasn't cold, although her brother knew better.
He raised a brow, pulling his sister towards him, smiling. He put the coat on her, holding her.
"I won't ask, it's your choice if you wanna tell me.", he mumbled, looking in the queen's eyes.

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