Chapter Twenty-Five| We got an issue

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A few days later....

Nichole and now Chris were merely guarding the gates, engulfed in a chat.
"Well yeah, as I said before this dude betrayed not only the 'good side..'-"-the guard marked quotations in the air-"-ya know?"
Chris grinned.
"Mhm...the few times we did talk, Luca did mention some sorta idiot.", he smirked.
Nichole rolled her eyes, chuckling to herself.
Lucy ran by, her eyes panicked.

"Chris, we got a big problem! Like..really big!", she yelped.
Chris embraced the other warrior, attempting to calm her down.
"Define issue my love. How big are we talking?"
"As in..killed guards and poisoned royals! We gotta run!", Lucy yelled, promptly jogging off.
Hesitantly, Chris left, leaving Nichole by herself.
"Damn, and people say I cause all the drama.", she jokingly whispered, rolling her eyes.
Having positioned herself against the wall, she relaxed, humming as her thoughts drifted off.

Hooves raced closer, the gate now in vision.
"Almost last.", a raspy voice confirmed, dead in tone.
The creature wore a hood, covering up their identity, as they raced closer.
Guarding the gate the figure saw a familiar face, followed by remarkable purple hair.
"Is she serious? What in the world is she doing here?", the figure remarked in confusion.
The warrior snapped back into reality, her eyes now shrinking.
Nichole repositioned herself, receiving the arriving figure.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be locked away? I clearly remember a few allegations regarding experiments..on helpless children.", Nichole commented.
"And you should be dead.", the figure retorted.
They moved closer, Nichole blocking them off.
"No way you're going in. You better stay outside.", she growled, shoving up her sleeve to pull her blade, accidentally revealing the missing bracelet.
The guard raised her eyes, locking them with the figure, ice blue like she remembered them.
"Not one step closer bastard. Can't let you inside, no doubt.", Nikki growled angrily, her blade now cutting the horses' lead.
The figure's horse bucked up, throwing them off.
The hood dropped with them, revealing rusty red hair, ice blue eyes, and lots of scars.
"Eric.", Nichole said.
"Nichole.", the redhead retorted.
The guard pressed a sword against the redhead, holding him on the ground, no way to escape.
More horses followed up, the Donovan's eyes glimmered.
"It's over doll. This rare of a gem should never try to fight the carver, although that title is old news now.", he smirked.
"Let go of him! Now!", a male figure yelled, ten more horses bursting to the gates.
Nichole smirked, lighting her fists with skulls.
"You aren't winning...Donovan."
The riders took off their hoods, revealing a white haired werewolf who joined him happily, a few more men following, pushing and pressing the warrior off.
Nichole's mind raced as the attackers yelled, dirt was high up making it difficult to breathe.
She dissolved into shadows, reappearing in front of the castle.

"Where's Chris at? We got a big issue!", she yelled upon re-appearing.
A guard turned, smiling at her cockily.
"Lets guess, you caused it troublemaker?"
"Just show me where the fuck he is! We need serious help!", Nichole retorted, dissolving in shadows once again, hoping to find the warrior she needed.
"Chris!", she yelled out, receiving groaning from the sick royals as response.
She felt herself tear up, but shook it off.
Running up the stairs, she ran straight into Giulia, who was racing out of the room as well.
"My bad...", the blue haired apologized, helping the other guard up.
"Where's your dad? We need him, now!", Nichole blurted out.
Giulia's eyes scanned her, then dragged the warrior to the library where Juna was still standing, attempting to make a potion.

"I don't know, maybe Seaweed is the answer?", the blue haired woman's dad suggested.
"It would be, but in combination with Oak it could he deadly.", Juna retorted.
"Dad!", Giulia yelled.
"Why? Wasn't it the case before that-" "Dad! Listen up!", Giulia interrupted her father.
"I believe it, the Seagrass caused a small itch before when combined the way we're planning."
"Theoretically, but this case it won't, since we mixed-"-Juna got interrupted by Giulia yelling for her dads attention.
"Dad! For Fauna's sake, listen!"
Juna ignored the calls, and turned Chris around forcefully, who only now realized Giulia had been there the whole time.
"Giulia?! What are you doing here, how long have you been here?", Chris asked.
"Finally dad! Nikki's saying we got an issue!", she exclaimed, reluctantly letting Nichole move forward.

"Yeah, Donovan Senior senior is out, in other words, Eric's free. The kiddos are all here.", she summarized, watching Chris clench his fists.
"Eric Donovan? The child experiment dude?", Chris questioned, to Nichole nodding, hair falling in her face repeatedly.
"Dammit hair! Stick in place!", she cursed.
"Where's he?", Chris got back on topic.
"It's around two dozen, the issue is way too big for one guard to handle.", Nichole explained.
Chris nodded, speaking to Juna in ancient tongue over his shoulder, then grabbing Nikki's arm to shadow travel.
Re-appearing in a puddle, the guards stood, watching.
Nichole, who was slightly concerned as to where the dangerous Donovan and his followers were, mumbled to herself in slight hysteria.

"What the fuck are YOU doing here? Leave me alone!", they heard a familiar; deep and tremulously silvery voice yell.
"Liam.", Nichole whispered, Chris merely nodding.
Another voice piped up. Whilst also familiar and equally as smoky-small before, this time it also seemed squeaky.
"Audrey or Dawn. This bastard is after his grandkids.", Nichole grunted.
"Dawn, Audrey is slightly more matter-of-fact and deep toned. Ope, there's her yelling.", Chris corrected, just barely not interrupted by the following scream.
"Leave me alone! We have nothing to give! Leave now or end up dead."
The guards looked at each other, sighing as they made their way towards the screaming Donovans.
From afar, Kian ran towards them, coughing constantly.
"Big...*cough* issue...*cough cough..* need your help..*cough* please...Elias hurt*cough*-", Chris interrupted him, feeling the kid's hand in the process.
"Okay...why the fuck are you out here? Also, yes we'll help but get the fuck back to your freaking room!", he commanded, Kian coughing as he shook it off.
"He's right Kian. Just go to bed.", Nichole jumped in.
"No..*cough* we need your help *cough cough* *panting* I'm fine...please j*cough* just *cough* he-*cough, falls down, shaking*", the king protested, eventually collapsing to his knees.
Chris groaned silently, only turning away to call for help.

"Seb, get over here! We got a Kian issue here, he broke down! Need you to get him inside again!", the guard ordered, the brunette running closer.
"Fauna's sake your stubborn Kian. Let me help..", the guard sighed, Leo also jumping to help.
"Let's get you inside king.", the silver fox mumbled, taking the still sick king out of the way.
Chris motioned for Nichole and him to move forward, now facing the loose prisoner.

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