Twenty-one| Connections and Entry

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A few hours later...

"We should get going Mahy..", Liam blushed, the queen with damp hair on his chest.
"Yeah...Star Hollow's awaiting. Let's go up, shall we?", the queen laughed.
The couple kissed and held hands, leaving the lake barely wet.
The queen switched clothes, as did her partner, and they left to a smiling Kian and Giulia.

"It's been hours Mahy. You really needed that time Huh?", Kian smiled, grabbing his sisters arm , which warmed her up.
" was refreshing too, but I guess Star Hollow's awaiting, so we had to leave.", his sister replied, her damp curls twirling between her werewolf ears.
Kian laughed silently, and led the couple to the gates, where Dehja excitedly waited.
Her blood pressure rose, she went red in the face.

"Let's go in Dehja.", Liam suggested, who was still topless.
The queen blushed, her hand on his shoulders.
"Sure! I just...don't know how to open the gate.", her sister explained.

'Go in yourself my lady.', Calum inforced.
"I wish I knew how to enter Calum..", Dehja insisted.
Calum fell silent, then responded.
'Take a moment, it's a spell you need to utter.'
Dehja continued to mumble to herself, before Kian whispered something in her ear.
His sister turned, facing him in confusion .
"The hell?!", she questioned.
"The spell, it's in this book here...'Mermo' from memory...then another 'Mermo capoô'. They're said to open the gate.", he whispered.
His sister glared at him, now a heavy book in her hands.
"How?-", she questioned, starting to turn pages-
"-how do you keep finding these? Not to mention carry? Hold up-",-she paused, scratching her cheek,-"-'Mermo capô.' that reminds me of inscriptions along the walls...I know it! Thanks so much Ki!", she exclaimed, hastily closing the book, her hair hitting her back like a soft wip.
Her brother smiled, softly grabbing his sisters arm, and pulling her to the gate.
"Mermo, mermo capô!", she exclaimed, as an aura surrounded her, a white light appearing.
"Whoa!", Kian gasped, seeing the gates open and his sisters eyes light up.
Soldiers appeared, and bowed before Dehja.

"Aelia, Welcome Home.", a Woman greeted.
"Thanks. It took us way too long to get here.", she chuckled.
"Come on in, you're welcome to rest here as long as you like.", the guard explained, later introducing herself as Kaiya.
As Nichole attempted to enter, the guards blocked her, glowing red from anger.

"No criminals shall enter this holy place!"
"Let her in, she's a friend alright?", Dana spoke up, only softly raising her voice and her gaining all attention.
"She killed harmless beings, you are aware Aelia?", the guard yelled.
Dehja lowered her head, sighing.
"Nichole is our friend. We're aware what happened but we would be dead if it weren't for her.", she explained, feeling Liam drag in Mahina, lifting her in the air, before she copied these moves on him, laughing.
The guards remained persistent, so eventually the guard took position outside, pulling a little frown.
"Always me...but I deserve it after all, don't I? If one is unholy it's me.", she whispered, wiping blood from a scar.

She sighed. From a few bushes, she spotted guards from Tartarus, who were standing around, talking to one another in hushed tones.
Curious, she pulled over her hood and hushed closer.
"For fucks sake! Why are we here even?" a make groaned.
"Watch duty. For one on Hilgers, but also on Fauna's orders to her kids. Luckily blondie's still locked up.", another shot back, gently shoving the man.
Nichole snook closer, hair in her mouth making her cough.
Luckily, no one heard.
"The kids are in Star Hollow, why are we still here?", the man asked.
"Hilgers. She's snooping around."
Nichole hushed off, releasing a tired gasp.

"For freaks sake. At least my love ain't trying something.", she mumbled.
She heard footsteps, and her hood was pulled off forcibly.
"There you are.", a cold voice exclaimed.
The warrior looked up, meeting black pupils.
"What do you want?", she asked in a tough tone.
A hand moved closer to her throat,  eventually gripping it.
"What the?!", she yelped , kicking against it.
Nothing worked.
"We need your blood Hilgers.", the Person coldly explained, tightening their throat. It was impossible to see whether they were male or female.
The guard yelped, but she couldn't get free, there was no chance she could.
Nichole tried reaching her blade, but the person immobilized her with an icy grip.
"You will serve us, and just us.", the person explained, their tone controlled and cold as ice.
"Never! I'm not joining evil people again!", Nichole yelped.
The figure choked her more, this time using two hands.
"Yes you will, you won't have a choice.", they spat.
Unbeknownst to them, footsteps were moving closer, barely audible.

"I won't join an evil side again! I've had it!", she protested, attempting to kick time and time again.
"It's no use. We'll make you come regardless.", they growled, their voice rising.
"Who are you?! I'm not going with a stranger!", the warrior protested.
"Yes, yes you will, Emebro!", the creature echoed, as magic surrounded the warriors' head.
"Leave her be! Kurowo!", another male figure exclaimed, running closer and closer.
"It worked!", the figure shouted, seeing the warriors' changed eyes. Little did they know...

"Hurt the attacker, now!", the figure ordered, having dropped Nichole.
She smiled and nodded.
"Nichole, what the hell?!", the man yelled.
But instead of turning towards the 'attacker', she turned her blade on the wizard, black pupils turning purple as she activated her demon powers, exploding the renewed bracelet.
The man ran closer, smirking.
"Better try to not control Puppeteer next time, how bout that?", she grinned, using her bow like a boomerang and summoning demons to fight the wizard.
"Kiro! Kuroko! Mumjoa!", she shouted, admitting lights from her hands.
From within the other wizards, a familiar blonde hair showed up, but this time with black pupils.
"What?", the man asked, his voice alone raising the hazel-eyed girls' heartbeat.
"Destroy her. She resisted.", the man ordered.
Nichole took a second to react as the man dashed towards her, his sword in her shoulder.
Her brother stood by her side, his silver hair sticking out.
"Kill her!", the figure ordered, and there was certainly an attempt.
Unwilling to fight him, she dashed off pulling her brother.
"He's not himself right now. I know it. I can handle this.", she mumbled.
Leo nodded, simply shooting arrows to attempt to scare of Luca.
"Kill them.", the figure echoed.

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