One| Prologue

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3rd Person POV

Nocturna was someone to be feared. People who followed her only did so because of one of two reasons: Of Admiration or fear.
The second her strong feet hit the floor, guards ran by, to support the next holy being.
"Mistress, you're awake. We already prepared your clothes.", a young maid shyly explained, bowing deeply.
"Perfect. Any news on my...beloved father?", Nocturna smirked.
"We do have news mistress...he's ready, although still fully chained up. I think it's time you get him out.", the young maid suggested, her eyes wide from shock.
"I knew that myself, dumbass. I think it's time to scare of the amateur rulers. The Sullivans won't stand long.", Nocturna muttered, creating lightning to summon her magical staff.
Alongside her knight escort, she effortlessly managed to reach the gates of Tartarus.

"We won't let you in, we'll fight you if you try!", a female guard shouted, promptly holding a blade towards Nocturna's throat.
"Pathetic idiots...I'm immortal. Besides, this childishness might've threatened my father, but not me. Watch this.", Nocturna bragged, before non-verbally creating a spell to paralyze the guards.
The new Evil Queen chuckled, before making her way to the cells.
She paused upon passing the cell with a young, blonde man inside. Eyes as blue as ice and scars speaking of many battles.

The young man looked outside and grinned. His day of revenge was come.
"There we are, let's see how good these freaking gates are.", Nocturna smirked, effortlessly making her way inside.
"Well, well. Looks like someone has come to help. Was about time.", the blonde smirked.
Nocturna scoffed.
"A nice way for the father-daughter meeting mister.", she groaned.
"Whatever. You gonna get me out or not?", Luca growled.
"Not if you don't calm down. Listen up, old Blondie. I'm the boss here, got it?", she smirked, before finally freeing Luca, but not for long.
"About time someone showed up. Also, who appointed a woman as the Queen?", Luca scoffed, once they reached Nocturna's place.
"I'm the new strongest enemy, haven't gotten the note?", the silver haired woman replied, sarcastically laughing.
"A woman? Seriously?", Luca groaned, walking up and down. Provoking Nocturna? Mad idea.
"Watch it..Dad...! I'm the new boss here and you are gonna do what I say!", she clenched through her teeth.
"What if not? It's not that easy to convince me you know...", Luca groaned.
"Hmpf, testing me. Pathetic thinking you could take me, old man.", she smirked. Now Luca got angry, and he tried to attack her, but she promptly forced him down, completely in control.
"You are gonna do what I say, so I can bring about Eternal night, once and for all.", Nocturna smirked.
"So you need me? 'Tough ' is what I would call someone-", he was cut off there.
"Easy. People learned to fear you, be scared. The one thing holding you back was that you weren't created. You were born, to a pathetic family. I was created, making me flawless.", Nocturna smirked.
"Fine..I'll play with you. Besides, scaring people is fun.", Luca grinned.
With a warning look, Nocturna glared at her father, daring him to betray her, and threatening him to stay loyal, and how easily she could take him.
A couple days later, the deadly duo stood before the gates of the kingdom they wanted to destroy.
Luca having fun invisible, Nocturna openly places herself on the plaza.

"You two! Come here!", she coldly yelled at two grey eyed kids, one of them a teen.
Hesitantly, they followed.
The powerful empress promptly used these kids as hostages with her knives.
The parents stood before her, angry instead of scared.
"Give me your money if you want your kids to live idiots! See, I have the advantage!", Nocturna ordered, making the kids whine in pain, not fear.
"Give us our kids now! We'll hurt you if you don't!", the mom shouted.
"What will you do? Punch me with your nails?", she taunted.
"Give us the kids, now!", the dad shouted.
Nocturna started stabbing her blade in the teen's back, but was promptly tackled.
"I'm the great Nocturna! Why aren't you scared?!", the silver haired woman angrily yelled, feeling punched all over her body.
She saw Luca run through the crowd, doing the same thing she did, with the same results.
The young woman shouted angrily as human born Luca dragged her away, back in the underworld.

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