Me: Oh yeah. I forgot about that


Zaddy M: What did you do???

Me: I did nothing, why do you think so little of me?

Zaddy M: Just tell me what happened 🙄

Me: Harry Styles, you know, the love of my life?

Me: He transferred into our art class and took the empty seat next to me at our table!!

Zaddy M: I'm happy for you, but don't cream your pants just because he sat next to you.

Me: I would never

Me: I'm too ✨classy✨

Zaddy M: Yeah, okay Loo


Next class, I greeted Mx. Johnson when I walked into class and took my seat. A few minutes later, the seat next to me scooted out and that familiar fruity smell filled my nose. A small smile tugged at the edges of my mouth, which I quickly replaced with a more neutral look.

"Hi!" I said to the green-eyed boy next to me. 

"Hi!" Harry said back. The two of us talked until Zayn showed up and took his usual seat in front of me.

"Hey! This is Harry. He's new to the class." I say and try to stealthily give Zayn the kind of look that only you and your best friend understand.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you..." Harry trailed off.

"Hey, I'm Zayn. Louis's wonderful best friend. Though, I must say that I am a bit insulted that I was seemingly replaced after missing one class." Zayn said jokingly yet eloquently.

"Hmm, I wouldn't think we're best friends just yet, so don't worry about being replaced." Harry said with a grin. I gasped dramatically and clutched my imaginary pearls.

"Yeah, yeah, you're offended that not everyone loves you immediately after meeting you. Shit happens." Zayn said in a fake mocking tone. The three of us laughed and joked throughout the entire class. 

Zayn and I ate lunch with Harry and his two friends, Niall and Liam. We found out they were dating, and they were cute. I may or may not have been a bit jealous. Anyway, since we all got along so well, Zayn suggested that we all hung out that weekend. Unfortunately, Niall and Liam already had plans together, but Harry said he was free.


The next morning, I woke up and let my parents know that I would be going out with my friends in a little while. I ate breakfast with my family, I showered using body wash that smelled of green apple, and I put on the cutest outfit I had. I wore a black t-shirt, fishnet tights under some black ripped jeans, and some rainbow checkered vans. I added my rainbow wristband and a chain on my jeans for accessories. When I went downstairs, my parents were sitting in the living room scrolling through one of our streaming services. 

"Hey guys, I'm on my way out." I say before going over to hug both women.

"Who are you hanging out with again?" Mom asked.

"I'm going with Zayn and our new friend Harry." I say with a smile. Both of my mothers care about me deeply and I'm so very grateful for them. 

"What time will you be back?" My other mother asked.

"Umm, I'm not a hundred percent sure, Momma. I'll let you know when I'm about to be on the way." I say then hug the redheaded woman.

"Alright. Be safe and let us know when you get there. And tell Zayn and this "Harry" we say hello!" The woman with short sandy brown hair calls as I walk towards the front door.

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