"I do, but...but it’s...I just can't."


"Just go." She begged me and it hurt that she was turning me away.

"It's something to do with your tattoo, isn't it?" Her face gave her away. She was so shocked and I knew it was. "I will find out who you are." I whispered into her ear and then I kissed her again. She moaned as my tongue played with hers before I pulled back and she was the one who pulled me back. She fisted her hands into my hair and pushed me back into the sofa before straddling my waist. I cupped her ass and pushed her into my chest.

She pulled back and placed a hand on my chest. She was breathing hard and I could feel how much she wanted me.

"You should go. I don't trust myself around you and this..."

"It will work, but we need to get to know each other first." I interrupted her and she smiled. She nodded and then shuffled off of me.

"Goodbye Dante." She whispered as I got up and left her. It was so hard for me to leave her, but she needed time to adjust and I needed to find out who the hell she was.

"Where the hell have you been?" My mother screamed at me as I walked in two hours after my brother.

"I'm only a couple of hours late." I groaned as my mother glared at me.

"Where were you?" She hissed at me again.

"Fine," I sighed as I ran a shaky hand through my hair. "I met her mum."

"Her who?" I gave her a 'seriously?' look and then she caught on. "Oh! True love her?"

"Who else?" I scoffed as I threw my back pack on to the sofa.

"Oh my baby boy is all grown up!" My mother sobbed as she came over to me and hugged me to her chest. "Tell me all about her!" She ordered as she sat down. "What is her name?"

"Belladonna Aldenta." My mother gasped and smiled at her name.

"Oh it’s so beautiful." She gushed. "What does she look like?"

"She has shimmering white hair that has black streaks in it and bright blue eyes as clear as a tropical sea. She's a Goth, but she's so beautiful and it suits her. She's shorter than me and she's spunky. She's different, ma, she's not fully human."

"What do you mean?"

"She has this tattoo on her shoulders and when she touched my arm, her eyes glazed over and she knows what I am." I explained and my mother listened intently. "She can block me like I tried to call her to me and she was able to block me, but when we kissed, she felt it."

"So she is defiantly your soul mate?"

"Yes, all I had to do was stare into those crystal blue eyes and I was hooked." I sighed as I remembered how she looked. "I know she's mine, but she's more than human. Do you think dad would know?"

"I don't doubt he would." I jumped up and walked to the stairs.

"He in his office?" I asked and my mother nodded, lost in thought. I took the stairs two at a time and rushed over to the old oak door that was to my dad's office. I knocked and I heard my dad say 'enter'.

"Hello Dante, what brings you to my office?"

"A question father, I need to ask you something." I said to my father as I saw him put down his pen and lean into his leather chair. He looked up at me.

"Ask away, dear boy." He said to me as he motioned for me to sit down on the chair on the other side of the desk. I sat and stared at my father. For a 182 year old man, he looked good for his age. He was the made vampire and mum was the born one. Mum's 391.

"I found my soul mate, but she's not fully human and she wants me to find out what she is because she found out what I am." I quickly explained.

"What makes you think she's not fully human?" I sighed as I repeated to him all that I had said to mum. He just nodded at me and took in all that I was saying. "A tattoo, you say?"

"Yeah, its druid I think with spirals between a moon on her left shoulder and a triquetra symbol on her right. There are spirals and dots across her shoulder. Its black, blue, red, green and yellow.” I pulled out the drawing that I had made of her tattoo and showed it to my dad. He looked down at it and he studied it quickly before looking back up at me.

“Hmmm, I think I’ve seen a tattoo like this before, but this type of pairing is unheard of.”

“What are you talking about?” My father sighed as he looked up at me from my drawing. He looked at me and leaned his arms on the desk before cupping his hands together.

“Years ago, a vampire was paired with a witch and they were soul mates, together they were unstoppable, but they lived in a time when people like them were being hunted. They were really powerful together, but they were killed before their offspring could be born and it has been said that there will come a time when another vampire would be soul mated with a witch. Through this union a child must be born and this child is destined for greatness.”

“Why are you telling me this?”

“Because I believe more than anything that your soul mate is a witch.”

“A witch? You believe that Belladonna is a witch?”

“She bares the markings and normal witches have one mark, but she has two, showing that she is from two different magical families.”

“Can you tell which two?” I asked as I processed all that was being told to me. My soul mate was apparently a witch and a child had to be born from our union, but I doubt she’ll go for having a child right now.

“Well her last name is ‘Aldenta’, right?” I nodded at my father’s question. “Well, I have heard of a Michael Aldenta and he died in 2005. His family mark was the moon wrapped in vines and from what I can guess, this mark is her mother’s family and that must mean that her mother is from the Trenchant family. She is powerful.”

“I know that.” I scoffed. “So she’s a witch?”

“Yes, you will have to ask her yourself, but I am fairly certain that she is a child from two witch families.”

“This is bad, isn’t it? A vampire and a witch?”

“It’s not bad, it’s just rare and right now I think we should keep it in the family.”

“I need to go to her.” I said as I got up and left my father’s office to go down to my car. I drove back over to Bella’s house and I heard her talking to her mother so I parked the car a little bit away. I got out and went over to the house.

Belladonna, you need to go and do your homework now. I know you haven’t done it yet.” Her mother told her and she groaned as she went up the stairs and I followed her around to the back of the house. I climbed up the back of the house and on to the balcony to her room before looking through the window.

She was seated at her desk, with her back to me and she had the same clothes on that I saw her in before, but her hair was up in a messy ponytail. She was hunched over her desk and she was doing some work. I tapped lightly on the window and she turned around before staring at me. She looked shocked, but then she came over to the French windows and opened the door for me. She looked up at me and smiled lightly.

“You know, don’t you?” She asked me lightly.

“I do, you are my little witchy soul mate.” I smiled at her and she chuckled lightly.

“Come in, let’s talk.” She sighed as we went in and sat on her bed.

My Geeky Gothic Love (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now