Penny hurts her leg while scuba diving part 2

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Luckily, as soon as Sam reached Penny, she removed her oxygen mask and she offered it to Sam, he clutched it to his face, breathing in the air he so desperately needed. Once his lungs had stopped hurting from the strain of holding his breath for so long, he drew in another deep breath before giving the mask back to Penny. Then he set to work, freeing her leg. After he cut through the rope, Penny kicked it clear of her leg. Between them, they shared the oxygen mask for a moment. They knew it wouldn't be an easy swim back to the surface for either of them, so they needed as much oxygen as they  could get.
Just as they were about to head back up to the surface, Sam saw something off to his left and to his astonishment, it looked like a flag bearing with faded marks of the Jolly Rodger. Sam tapped Penny on the shoulder, and he pointed to the flag. Penny also looked, beyond the flag was the wooden remains of an old ship.
Penny leg was hurting so she pointed towards the surface. It was her way of saying, "Let's get out of here." They didn't need a second invitation, they started swimming back towards the surface, sharing the oxygen mask between them. They were almost at the surface when Penny's oxygen tank ran out of air, using the last of the air in their lungs, they swam straight up to the surface.
Penny and Sam broke through the water's surface almost at the same time, for a moment, they just treaded water at the surface while they breathed in the deliciously sweet air. Sam could hear Ben and Elvis shouting at them, but he couldn't figure out what they were saying, he was too disorientated from the lack of oxygen, and he knew he was in danger of blacking out. Then, he felt Penny slip an arm securely around his chest.
Penny dragged Sam over to Titan, penny could feel pain from her leg but she didn’t care her main priority was getting Sam to safety, once aboard Titan, Ben and Elvis pulled Sam out of the water, and they lay him down in the recovery position on Titan's deck. Sam coughed several times before he closed his eyes to block out the blinding sunlight, Ben and Elvis then pulled penny out of the water, and they lay her down in the recovery position on Titan's deck, Ben radioed Helen to meet them by the key and then he radioed Station officer Steele, telling him that both his leading fire fighters are injured.
Once they got to the key, Helen checked Sam over and she said that he will be fine as long as he does light duty for 2 days, Helen then checked penny over, she checked penny heart beat and then she checked her leg and penny started saying ouch! Ouch! In pain, so Helen took penny to Newtown hospital as it might be broken, so penny changed into a blue shirt and white denim jeans and blue trainers, being careful to not hurt her leg.
When they arrived at the hospital, they helped penny into the x-ray room and they helped her lie down on the bed, they took penny blue trainers and white denim jeans off and penny felt a bit embarrassed because her pants were showing, once the x-ray was finished, it showed that penny had minor fracture in her leg and that she would be fine as long as does light duty for 3 weeks and uses her crutches.
penny really didn’t like using crutches as she found them to be an absolute pain, especially when she needed to pee or have a shower as she wasn’t allowed to get her cast wet, 3 weeks went by and penny was know off crutches and she was allowed to participate in training exercises and be on the front line.

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