The wedding

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Ellie was helping penny get ready for the wedding, penny got dressed into her pure white wedding gown and Ellie was doing her hair and make up, once both girls were done they headed towards the church, as the church bells chimed Sam was standing by the alter and he started to feel nervous, but once he saw penny gracefully walking down the Isle, all he could do was smile as penny walked to the alter she faced Sam.
Once the church was quiet and all the people have settled down, Ellie started walking towards Sam and penny with the rings, holding them on a red cushion as the priest said a few words, we are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Penny Morris and Samuel Jones, Samuel Jones do you take Penny Morris as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part, I do and Penny Morris do you take Samuel Jones as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part, I do.
Know may I have the rings said the priest Ellie gave the rings to the priest and he placed one ring on Sam finger and the other on Penny finger, I know pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride and Sam and penny both kissed on the lips as so many people were cheering and saying aww, most of the children were saying ewww and covering their eyes and when Sam and penny parted from their kissing, they started laughing because of the little children’s disgusting remarks.
After the church everyone went to the reception where Dinner was served but before everyone starts eating, Sam wanted to make a toast so he tapped his cup to get everyone’s attention and then started saying, thanking you all for coming and for this very special day I couldn’t be happier to finally marry the girl of my dreams and live our lives together forever, penny just sat their blushing to Sam’s sweet words and once Sam finished his toast, everyone started eating.
Once the dinner had been eaten, Sam and penny started cutting the cake and passing it around, once everyone had received a slice of cake Sam and penny cut a slice for themselves and sat down with the others, enjoying their delicious, creamy wedding cake.
When they finished eating their cake, they started waltzing with each other under a disco ball, this reminds of the time when we taught station officer Steele how to dance said penny, it’s even more romantic know that I’m doing it with my wife Sam replied seductively sending shivers through penny entire body, both wishing the night would last for ever.

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