penny tonsillitis

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Penny came into work with a sore throat, hoarse voice, feeling tired and is having difficulty swallowing food, while she was working, Sam noticed the tiredness in penny eyes and that her voice sounded hoarse, when it was lunch time penny didn’t really feel like eating and Sam wanted to know if his wife was alright.
Sam asked penny if she was feeling alright? She said her throat hurts, so Sam had a look at her throat and it looked quite painful so he suggested a trip to the hospital, once arriving at the hospital a doctor did a check-up on penny and he diagnosed her with tonsillitis and he said that she will need surgery.
Once penny was wearing a hospital gown, she layed down in a hospital bed and was taken to surgery, while penny was in surgery Sam was waiting for her in the waiting room, his knees were trembling and his face was full of concern as he was so worried for penny, when penny came out of surgery and was resting in the ward, Sam was so relieved to see that she was alright, he went to the ward to visit penny.
When Sam was with penny, he asked how are you feeling? Penny said she feels terrible as she has severe pain in the throat and jaw, she feels Nauseous and has been vomiting, Mild fever and the feeling of something stuck in her throat. Well at least your only here for a night Sam reassured her and then I can take you home with me and I can cuddle you in bed and help ease your pain.
Penny was discharge from the hospital and Sam drove her home, once they both got home, Sam helped penny go up the stairs and into the bedroom, once penny took her medication, Sam helped her get dressed as she was still in a lot of pain, once penny was dressed, she layed down on the bed drifting off into dreamland, Sam layed down right next to penny so he can keep an eye on her as he knew that penny won’t be returning back to work for a week.

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