Jennifer starts reception

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Today was Jennifer first day of reception, her mum woke her up and dad made her breakfast, after breakfast she brushed her teeth and changed her clothes and her mum did her hair, dad dropped Jennifer at the bus stop and once Jennifer was on the bus, Sam headed home.

Jennifer arrived at memory primary school in Newton and once all the children were inside the classroom, Jennifer teacher who is called miss Daniels started doing the register, Jennifer had lots of fun in reception, she was playing with musical instruments, playing play-doah, painting, playing with sand and the pool.

Jennifer made a lot of friends, who were called Lucy, Jody, Sasha, Tyler, Emma, Michael, Adam and Adrien, when school ended mum picked Jennifer up and mum drove Jennifer home, once they were home Jennifer told everyone about her day during dinner and afterwards Jennifer got ready for bed, waiting for another fun day at memory primary school.

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