Penny hurts her leg while scuba diving part 1

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Sam and penny were at work and Jennifer, Eithan and Eliza were at Bronwyn’s house, Sam and penny were finishing writing reports and they they were going to put their feet up, when the alarm went off. Instinctively, Sam and penny sprinted across the room to the nearest fireman's pole.
"Joe Sparks is trapped at the bottom of the ocean in a submarine that's run out of power," Station Officer Steele announced over the loudspeakers as Sam and penny slid down the pole,Elvis joined Sam and penny downstairs. Sam didn't have to give them any instructions. We'd all worked together for so long that most of the time they were able to anticipate what I had in mind. Sam ran over to Mercury, and he put on his quadbike helmet, while Penny and Elvis got into Venus. Together, they raced their vehicles down to the Ocean Rescue Centre.
Ben was already suited up and was checking the Map Screen-700 when we arrived at the Ocean Rescue Centre. “I’ve got the co-ordinates, Sam," Ben reported. "He's just off Pontypandy Island. “Copy that, Ben," Sam replied as he grabbed his wetsuit off the hook, Elvis and Sam quickly suited up into their wetsuits, while Penny did her scuba diving gear,
As soon as they were all ready, they went downstairs and boarded Titan. With Ben at the helm, they made there way as fast as possible to Joe's last known co-ordinates. When they arrived, Elvis helped Penny put on her scuba gear. Once she was ready, she flipped backwards out of Titan and she splashed into the water. Penny swam around to Titan's bow, where Sam threw Titan's tow cable to her. She caught it, and then she began swimming towards the ocean floor.
When penny got to the Ocean floor, she saw Joe’s submarine and she attached it to Titan’s tow cable and once finished, she pressed a button on her scuba diving gear so she could alert Titan. Several minutes later, an alert sounded in Titan's control room. Elvis and Sam stood back as Ben activated the winch. Before long, Joe's submarine emerged at the surface and Sam cautiously climbed onto it, and he opened the hatch.
"Penny's in trouble, Sam!" Joe blurted out. "She's got her foot stuck!" Oh, no! And she won't have much air left, either mumbled Sam, "What are we going to do?" Elvis wondered, "We haven't got time to go back and get more diving gear!" Ben exclaimed.
Sam removed his helmet. Then, he unzipped his life vest and he took it off, placing it down on top of the submarine. "I'm going in!" Sam told the others. Before they could protest, he grabbed a pair of cutters from his life vest. Then, he drew in the biggest breath he could hold before he dived into the water.
Using his strong swimming skills, he managed to swim straight down towards the bottom of the ocean. It was not easy. His lungs screamed in protest for more air; the salt water stung his eyes, and his ears popped painfully against the water pressure, but he kept going, Sam could see Penny down near the ocean floor. Her leg was entangled in some thick rope, he didn't have time to even consider how it got there. He needed air, or he would black out and drown.

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