Chapter 9 - Meet the Future Enemy

Start from the beginning

I sweatdropped because of his exaggerating statement. He suddenly stop in front of me and stare at me mouth gaped. "Your beauty is shining, dear!"

I just laugh nervously. The moment was cut off because Ivan-san head suddenly grow in abnormal size. I get to jump on a platform to avoid getting squish by Ivan-san head. The Okama followers are now fighting the guard and it's a suprise they manage take out few of them. Ivan-san said to cause more chaos to free more prisoner so that our forces will have a chance of survival.

Suddenly, a small man blew something in his fork and a group of weird gorilla ran towards to attack us. Their colors are blue?The guards in the den-den mushi said to defeat Ivan-san. Then, Ivan-san used his Hell wink that caused the gorilla to tossed back. One of them survive and ran towards me. Before i can ready my power to defeat it but someone beat me up. I see his signature hook shining, he turn the animal into a mummy. My eye twitch because he grin back at me. Then said:

"You owe me one, since i save your ass."

I scowl at me and turn away from him. "Whatever."

The guards panic because we defeat the Blugoris, the name of the gorillas very quickly. Then Ivan-san tell luffy to keep going and they will handle the enemies. Me and Luffy agree and proceed to the exit of the level 4. But the Okamas standing there got push by because if three giant animals. A group of three of weird animals. Are those abs? What the hell? I thought in shock. They are holding weapons. Then, a blonde woman appear behind of one those animals. It's Sadi-chan that was she said. Her moanings are pissing me off. Then Ivan-san said he will take care of her. Luffy and i go with Inazuma to go to the exit. Then the fate is really playing with me because Hannyabal appear. He got angry when he see me with luffy because Luffy is trying to kidnap me to leave him behind. He attack luffy who dodge easily.


I had enough of his nonsence he was saying. "I'M NOT YOUR WOMAN AND I WILL NEVER BE!"

I can a imaginary arrow stab into his heart when i said that. Then he proceed to said that i was jealous when he propose to Hancock that is why i'm saying these things. Before i can retort to him, they continue to fight and Hannyabal is not falling down even he is defeated.

A scream reasonated from the exit of the Level 4. I feel my veins appear because of the anguish i'm feeling now because the person i really hate will appear. The exit of the Level was surrounded by a dark fog. Then the men of Hannyabal dissappear because of the dark fog. Hannyabal asked in panic on what is happening. Then the person appear he proceed to slammed his foot on Hannyabal's face, knocking it off. The guards who dissappear earlier appeared they were unconcious. They fall down beside their Vice Warden. The man raise his face and his eyes meet the stare of luffy. It was Marshall D. Teach aka Blackbeard. The guy who disturb your world and this world just for him to be the strongest without an enemy. I restrained my self hard to punch him to pay back on what he did and to avenge Ace because he is the one behind it for him to gain the Vacant sit of a Shichibukai.

"Woah, woah! There is so many interesting faces here to see at once. Looks like you are in the middle of fighting! ZEHAHAHAHA!" Stated blackbeard and his crewmates appear beside him.

"Teach?! What the hell are you doing here? Or should i call you Blackbeard!" Jinbei snarled while glaring at him.

"What..??" Luffy gasped, recognizing the man who caught Ace to bring it to the marines.

Blackbeard then proceed to said that Jinbei is very close to Ace and he should not to try to insult him.

"So you're BLACKBEARD!!!?!" Stated luffy getting angry.

"Huh? Well yes! I never introduce my self to you. Long time no see, Mugiwara! I was suprised when i learn that you are the brother of my commander! What are you doing here?! You are gonna miss your brother execution. ZEHAHAHAHA!" (I really hate his laugh seriously.)

"This chess teeth bastard.." i muttered glaring daggers at Blackbeard and his crew.

Blackbeard said that he got to know that Luffy defeated Crocodile, then he also said that time he was trying to gain his place as a Shichibukai. He told us that he want to kill Luffy to show the governement on how powerful he is. But Ace who was chasing him got replaced for his brother. I stare at luffy who is on that verge to fight the asshole.

Then the crewmates of Blackbeard butt in to mock Ace and Luffy. Saying that he should be thankful for his brother for fighting them and saving luffy and meeting his worst nightmare.

Luffy slammed his fist on the ground and his skin is steaming. He entered the Gear Second. Luffy fist collided on Blackbeard's stomach sending him to the wall. I decide to step forward because i know what will happen.

The bastard got hurt and he tried to attack luffy with his devil fruit. On the right time my flame collided on Blackbeard's dark fog. My flame overpowered the bastard dark power. The collision create a explosion, the area got engulfed because of dust.

The dust clear out, Blackbeard and his crew got shock because there was someone who overpowered the devil fruit of their captain. Even Ace cannot do it.

Then they see a beautiful girl whose right hand are surrounded by a purple flames, glaring at them. I saved luffy on the right time. In the anime, blackbeard will use his power to slammed Luffy's head to the ground and Luffy will spat out blood because of the pain get  from that attack.

"Don't you dare lay your hands on my captain, you shitheads." I said with calm but menancing tone in my voice. Luffy, Jinbei and Crocodile shiver on my tone of voice.

"Woah! A unexpected face we got here!! Say why don't you join crew?" Blackbeard offered while staring at my body in a perverted way.

"No way in hell." I replied shortly.

"Aw, too bad. I though we can get to know each other. You are really strong." stated Blackbeard. He turn fully to me. "I know where you came from, young lady." I got frozen on my spot after hearing that. "Don't worry i will not bother to tell them yet."

The guys stared at me in confusion on what Blackbeard said.

Suddenly an explosion occured turning the attention away from me.

"What's going on?!?" Bon-chan asked.


Ivankov said that Luffy should get go to the Level 3 to avoid the poisoning of Magellan. The prisoners and The okamas did not waste time and run to the exit to save their lives. Jinbei, Luffy and Me continue to stare at Blackbeard, who is chuckling.

"It's an advantage to us that you broke their defense." Jinbei started.

"You help us too. We just take chance the panic you guys caused."

A prisoner scream that the demon guards are here. A Minotaurus appear in the entrance of Level 3.

Bon-chan panic because of the information. Crocodile also said that the Minotaurus are Zoan devil fruit user. That is why they are super strong.

"I'm gonna save Ace at any cost!" Stated luffy walking pass blackbeard.

"Yeah, i will now say it's a waste of time. Anything is possible in this world. The Sky island exists, so does the One Piece! In the few hours we're going to put a show that will shake this world." Black turn to me and grinned. "Next we meet each other, i will surely make you join my crew." He then walk away with his crew.

"As if.." i muttered. Luffy kept walking, a shadow covered his eyes. He approached the Minotaur and order it to step aside. But the Minotaur attack Luffy resulting him to knock out in one hit. Luffy enter Gear Second.

"Alright! The devil guard is knock off!! Let's get out of here!!" said Bon-chan and the other cheered also. Me and the guys are running towards the Level 3 to get out of here and Save Ace.

Chapter 9 is out!! Thank you for the reading The book 1 of this story! The reads reach 3.7 k. I love it!!

See you in the next chapter!!

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