"Has she said anything?" He whispers as his gaze flickers behind me.

"Nothing that makes sense... she says she tripped but that doesn't add up, falling wouldn't upset her this much," I say with a frown.

"Tony should be here soon, see if you can find out if something happened between them," he mumbles. "I don't want to get involved in someone else's relationship but if he-"

"No, I don't think that's the case but I'll see what she says. It's like she's not really here? Like that's not Becca." I shiver, thinking about the ghastly woman who barely resembles my friend.

"Angel, she's in shock," he reasons. "She just needs some time. Go sit with her, make her feel safe."

I nod, feeling shaken myself. Jonathan gives me a quick kiss on my forehead and gently cups my cheek, drawing my gaze to him.

"You're doing so good, Angel. Becca is lucky to have such a good friend." His words help bolster my confidence and reassure me.

When I step back into the bathroom Becca is hunched over, hugging her knees. With the mud mostly washed off, I can see the gravel scrapes clearer now.

She doesn't react to my presence at first and just sits there, quietly sobbing. I leave her to have a moment and grab a change of clothes for her, something soft and comfortable.

Not wanting to be gone for long I settle on a light purple loose knit sweater and matching jogger sleep pants. It's the type of outfit I like to cuddle in and I can't help but think that's what she needs now.

I take the luffa and wash her back talking aimlessly to fill the void left by her silence. Slowly I feel her come back. Her eyes start to brighten and she looks around, taking note, she even nods and offers the odd short answer.

Her eyes flutter shut as I rinse her hair, washing the last of the conditioner away. I look up and see Tony silently watching from the doorway. His fist is tightly balled at his lips and brows furrowed with concern as his eyes glisten with unshed tears.

Seeing the pain and concern etched on his face wipes away any sliver of doubt I had about him. Becca rinses off and steps into my waiting towel without instruction, as if on autopilot.

"Better?" I ask, seeing a spark of her former self shining through once more.

She nods, forcing a smile. "Thank you, Iz... I'm such a mess," she whimpers.

"No you're not, I just wish I knew what happened."

"I fucked up like I always do..." Suddenly her eyes snap wide, then she looks around frantically. "What time is it?!"

"I don't know, like dinner timeish-"

"Oh fuck!" Becca starts to pace and looks borderline frantic. "Where's your phone!? Tony is gonna be so mad," she groans, sounding like a teenager that blew curfew.

"Becca, calm down," I say, grabbing her shoulders to still her. "Tony's not mad, he was worried-"

"You talked to him?" She gasps, her voice small and wavering.

"No, but Jonathan did," I offer, trying to calm her down.

"But why didn't he come to see me? Are you sure?" She whispers, damn near desperate.

"He's here when you're ready, I think they just wanted to let you clean up and warm-up... I can go see?" Her wounded look guts me. Whatever happened all she wants is her other half.

"Bear," she whines, starting to sniff again as the tears return.

Tony and Jonathan must have been waiting in my room as he takes the invitation and appears a split second later.

"Shh, it's okay, I'm here now," Tony coos, gathering the bawling woman up in his arms. He flashes me a great full smile and turns his full attention to Becca.

I dash to my medicine cabinet and pull out the peroxide, cotton balls, q-tips and an assortment of bandages. Tony quickly notices and pulls back to looks Becca over.

"Where does it hurt sweetheart?" He whispers, swiping the tears from her cheeks with his thumb. Her bottom lip quivers as she hikes up the towel to show her knees.

"Hmm," he murmurs. "Can't have that. Up you go." Tony doesn't wait for her response and lifts her to sit on the counter so he can work on her knees.

Seeing she's in capable hands I back out, shutting the door behind us to give them some privacy. Jonathan is waiting for me with open arms that I gladly fall into.

"How are you holding up?" He murmurs, holding me close and stroking my hair.

"I'm okay," I whisper without thought. Jonathan sighs but lets it slide.

"Let's get you out of that hmm?" I look up and furrow my brows at a loss until I follow his gaze. My shirt is soaked through from taking care of Becca.

Jonathan leads us to our room where a pile of clothes waits on the bed for me. I smile seeing a new cami bra and soft blue sweater waiting.

"Up," he directs, and I follow through, lifting my arms. He peels my wet garments off making me hiss. As gentle as he has been today my breasts are still tender from last night.

He gently cups my breast and caresses the sting away before carefully sliding the cami on, then sliding the sweater on. "Better?"

"Much," I reply, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"I hope you don't mind, but I insisted they stay awhile, at least until Tony relaxes." Jonathan cranes his neck to gauge my reaction like he thinks I'll actually be upset.

"Of course not! We've got the spare room after all," I murmur. "It's really storming out there anyways."

Jonathan just smiles at me. "Have I ever told you what a wonderful heart you have?" He just beams at me with such pride in his eyes.

I lay my head on his chest, content in this moment.

"And it's all yours."

His Broken Submissive : MercyWhere stories live. Discover now