Chapter-29 Greg?

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"Dad?" I frowned as I saw my parents standing in front of me

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"Dad?" I frowned as I saw my parents standing in front of me.

"There she is my favorite little girl," he grinned opening his arms. Without thinking I rushed and took him into a bone-crushing hug as my mom joined us.

"How are you guys?"

"What's happening?"

So many questions bubbled up inside me.

"You are on the other side baby," he gave a soft peck on my head.

I missed this, his soft embrace, his affection, I missed everything.

"The other side?"

That's when I took on the surroundings. I am in a place that looks exactly like the house we dreamed of building. A house away from the castle where we can live in peace.

A vegetable garden, mini pond, lots of pets, it looks exactly like the house we imagined.

"What do you mean?"

Why am I here?

Why don't I remember anything?

How was I here?

"Calm down dear, you are here because the poison started spreading again. But that's been taken care of by Caroline. Like she promised us, she found the medicine to heal the poison so you'll be completely cured once you take it for a month." My mom held me tightly in her embrace.

I remember what that thief said, the poison my uncle gave.

"You've grown up to be an amazing woman Mae and happy birthday," my dad pecked my head, joining in our hug.

God, I missed them.

"I'm finally home. Now I am never going anywhere away from you guys," I sniffed away my tears.

This is the life we imagined for us. Peaceful life in our dream home, away from the castle. Now I have it and I am not willing to give this up.

What about Teddy? A small voice reminded me.

Oh my god, Teddy.

I have to go back.

"Calm down baby, you'll go back soon. Your life is yet to start, live a life Mae, a life without regrets and be strong," mom rubbed my back as if she knew what I was thinking.

"But I am happy here with you guys," tears glistened my eyes.

I know I have to go but this is too good to give up.

"It's not your time. Just know that we are proud of you." My mom wiped away my tears shaking her head.

She still looks the same, just like how I remember her. In fact, she's glowing more with happiness though there's a tang of worry in her eyes. The same is with my father, he is in peace but his eyes are filled with worry too.

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