Chapter-23 Darkness

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Gerald's funeral happened the same day we visited Zendaya

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Gerald's funeral happened the same day we visited Zendaya. We buried him in the same place as Zendaya. During the whole time, I was clutching onto Teddy for dear life as if I am afraid that he would vanish any time. Who knows, based on how misfortunate my life is, it can happen too.

During the whole time, Casteel was our rock. He like a superhero handled everything single-handedly. He went far ahead of our thinking and prepared all the documents to make me Teddy's official guardian.

I didn't think such things existed but it does it seems a human world. If not for Casteel, Teddy would've been in foster care, with a random human. God, that thought is scary.

To make our job even easier, Gerald had already made the changes by adding me as Teddy's legal guardian.

Since I'll be eighteen tomorrow, the procedures were done immediately after his funeral. Both I and Teddy's eyes were swollen with all the crying and all of us were completely exhausted.

It was indeed a living hell.

Now I have to change my plans, I have to leave this city with Teddy to a place that's safe for us. I am no more alone, now I have a kid to take care of. If Casteel decides to come with us then all of us will leave together.

The thought of leaving Casteel alone doesn't sit well with me. He is our rock, without him both I and Teddy are helpless. Though I am independent, with so many things going on I am as helpful as a two-year-old.

"I'll get us some food, you and Teddy take a rest," Casteel locked the door and left with a gentle smile.

I and Teddy settled on the couch. I turned towards him and took his tiny hands in mine. None of us spoke other than necessary ever since Gerald's last words. But now, I have to know what Teddy's feeling.

"From now on where is one family you get that? You and I, we are a team," I tried giving him a pep talk when in reality I was giving myself one and I am scared of asking if he's okay with living me.

Though he didn't have a choice, I don't want Teddy to feel as if he's a burden to us.

"We'll leave this place to somewhere safe and all the misfortunes have crossed our life. From now on, it'll be only good things, okay?"

Instead of replying, he hugged me tightly. And that is more than enough to let me know that I am no more a stranger to him.


"Hey wake up," I heard a voice whisper next to me.

My head was pounding due to all the crying and exhaustion. I need sleep. It felt like I went to sleep just a few minutes back only to be woken up immediately.

"Go away," I gritted my teeth before turning aside.

"Maezy, wake up," it was Casteel's voice.

When I blinked my eyes open. The clock read 12.02. what is he doing here at this time?

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