Chapter-7 Move on?

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"Tell me, Greg, tell me?" I pushed him behind

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"Tell me, Greg, tell me?" I pushed him behind.

Emotions are an enemy to our kind. Extreme emotion leads to your magic getting out of control. And if your magic is out of control, you make mistakes that make you regret.

Closing my eyes, I left my house to calm myself in the fresh air. But Greg decided otherwise as he started following me.

Fine, if this is what he wants then I am ready for it too. There's no way I am going to help those bastards.

"Tell me, Greg, they killed her because they thought she'll be a liability, they thought she'll make me weak. They took that one person I loved the most from me." I formed mud shapes releasing my magic, little by little to not let it outflow, not to use it to harm Greg.

All I've done is help the rebels, be kind, and took every responsibility on my own shoulders. But all they did is take that one person from me because they wanted me to be more powerful by having a mate.

God, I don't even understand why they assumed I'll have a mate?

I am not even a royal and there's no way I will be blessed with a mate. I had her and I never wanted a mate.

"Elijah," his voice was dull indicating he too is sad for the loss but nothing compares to the thing I am going through.

"Let me give you a piece of advice," I chuckled walking towards the river.

"Leave them like me too. Those ungrateful people, all they need is a lap dog to protect them, they never wanted a leader to rule them. They wanted a doll to use as they like. What they did to me, they'll never hesitate to do that to another," I shook my head.

I should've known.

I should've realized that some things never change, one of them being how ungrateful my kind is.

God, I don't even want to think about it.

"Not all of then Elijah, many of us followed you and listened to you. What about us?"

He is not wrong though. But no, I made it clear before I went to help them. If one makes a mistake then they all have to take responsibility.

"I am not going to help Greg, leave please," I took a deep breath. It's still pretty early and the sun hasn't risen.

The moonlight was glowing giving a sense of calmness to the night. She liked to watch the stars at night till she falls asleep. It was one of our favorite past times.

Every time she visits my house, we'll fall asleep watching the moon and talking our hearts out.

Greg kept his hands on my shoulder, "I know Elijah and I am not asking you to do this for them. Think about others, those innocent people who never made any mistakes, why not for them?"

God, why is he not understanding?

I am not going to that place ever again.

Not when it was the same place that killed my Green.

"I understand Elijah, her death broke you completely. But think about others, how will they feel when they lost their loved ones to this unknown? Do you want someone else to go through the same misery you are going through?"

"What if someone's mate is taken?"

"What if someone's wife or husband or kid is taken?"

"Do you think only your pain is worse? No Elijah, all of us go through loss in some way or the other, and the only best thing we can do is move on when that loss is natural. But this unknown is forcefully taking life Elijah, just like hers."

"How will you feel knowing that your mate was dead because someone who could've helped was too stubborn to help?"

"How will you feel when you realize the person with the weapon refused to fight and let them all die?"

"Come respond me damn it," he spat pushing my shoulders. "I am talking to you," he turned violently to make me look at him.

He is right.

His every single word makes sense.

But the present me knows no logic. Even though I never in my life would want the same fate as mine for them, I couldn't bring myself to help. It hurts too much to even think about going to that place. It reeks of her memories and the betrayal of rebels.

He waited for me to speak. When I didn't, he let out a deep sigh and continued.

"She would've wanted you to move on to Elijah. If it was you in her place, wouldn't you have wanted the same for her too? She'll want you to have a life Elijah, she'll want you to be happy," he gently squeezed my shoulders in empathy.

I closed my eyes, forcing myself to not give into his words. I know he is trying to manipulate me into saying yes. But I am not going to help those ungrateful people.

No, I cannot do that. Not now, not anytime soon in the future.

"No," I looked him into the eye responding.

Shaking his head, he moved back, "One day you are going to regret this," he gave me a swift punch in my face before vanishing through a portal.

I don't have it in me to fight. I cannot.

God, he brought back too many memories and a lot more pain. Closing my eyes, I sat down beneath a tree and took a deep breath.

'Elijah, all of us go through loss in some way or the other, and the only best thing we can do is move,' Greg's words echoed in my head again and again.

'She would've wanted you to move on to Elijah.'

I know she would've wanted me to move on, have a life. I would've wanted the same. But I love her and respect her too much to replace someone in her place I cannot.

That's the thing about our kind. Even though we are selfish and have a lot of bad traits that I myself am ashamed of, our kind loves fiercely. Even without mates, we are loyal to the person we love and we love them forever.

'That doesn't stop you from living a life,' a voice whispered inside my head.

Maybe, I should try to live a life. I cannot go back to the coven but I can live somewhere in the human territory and try to do something.

Maybe a change of scenery is what I want. Maybe the pain will ease I if go to a new place where I am not reminded of my kind.

Maybe I'll stay with my mom for some time, till I figure out what I wanted to do in life.

No, I can't. The last time I spoke with her, she pleaded with me to come to stay with her and I straight out rejected her. It's been so long since I even spoke with her. There's no way I am calling her.

I'll think of something tomorrow. Too much happened today for me to think clearly. Closing my eyes, I let the darkness consume me so I can be with her. The only way I can see her is in my dreams. My Green. 

A/N: Am I boring you guys out?

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A/N: Am I boring you guys out?

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