Secrets hidden behind lies

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"I hope you know whatever you're doing can put you in great trouble along with you're pups. " Yeonjun said, staring at the other's eyes, searching for any hesitation, but there was none.

"I know, but this is the only way to lure the fish in the net. " V smirked, which gave the omega creeps.

"But what if someday anything happened opposite of your plan. Then what am I supposed to do?" Yeonjun asked.

"Nothing. You just have to wait for me. " V said and slowly stood up, stumbling a bit.


"I'm sorry, hyung, but I can't. I am bounded by the moon. " Yeonjun said, and Chan knew there is no way he would be able to get the information. From a young age, they have been taught how to keep their promises by the moon, and being True Moon, it's even more necessary to preserve them.

"Fine. " Chan sighs and sits straight, eyeing the younger. "But I hope it won't put you in trouble later on. " Yeonjun nods and quickly rushes out of the house. He trusts V for keeping everyone safe, but at the same time, he is worried for the wolf's own safety.

V is wise, but he is injured and inside a weak body that won't support him with everything. But for now, he just has to go with what he was being told, and whatever happens, he wouldn't disappoint.


Taehyung slowly stirred in his sleep with a stinging pain in his head. Carefully, he looked around the room, blinking a few times, when he saw a window and a bed on the corner of the room.

It was kinda better than he expected. He assumed it would be like some kind of old ass room with no lights and things around, just a chair to which he would be tied and a lamp on top of his head.

He tried to get up, but the pain in his head didn't let him move, and the sound of metal striking caught his attention. He stared down at his hand when he realized his hands, neck, and legs were tied with a pole. 'why the fuck would they tie my neck?' The omega thought, gritting his teeth in anger when a sudden twist in the doorknob made his ear perk up, and he stared at the door with his hands shielding his bump.

He saw an alpha coming inside with a plate in his hand and kept it in front of Taehyung. "Eat this!" The alpha said, trying to put his dominance, while Taehyung was busy staring at the food with confusion.

'Isn't it a bit too fancy for someone kept as a prisoner?' Taehyung thought, and for once, he decided to trust his guts and threw the food to another corner. "I am not eating it. " He said, making the alpha grit his teeth in anger.

Taehyung held his stomach tight, closing his eyes when he saw the alpha was coming closer, but instead of any harm, he just heard a sigh. "You are just a stubborn omega. I'll see for how long you can starve yourself. " With that, he went away, leaving Taehyung alone in the room.

Taehyung softly caressed his bump feeling soft kicks on it. Taehyung doesn't know why he was here, but he wasn't scared either. For some reason, his insides were still calm, and he couldn't bring himself to be scared of the new place.

So he just decided to sleep, curling his body around his bump to keep it warm while he was forced on this cold floor. The headache was also surfacing, so sleeping for a little while was the best thing he could think of.


On the other hand, Jungkook was going insane. His mind was clouded with worry and anger. His wolf was begging for control and just wanted to run to find his mate, but Jungkook was holding him back with the last bit of sanity he had left.

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