party time

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your pov:

*its now vriday and i have 2 weeks off. its 12 am so i open the door of colby's house and walk to the kitchen because i am a little bit hunry. i see colby siting there and a walk up to him and hug him rom behind* y/n: hey bub how are you? colby: im great! andd since you have two weeks off now i have someting. y/n: what is it? colby: i bouth us 1 week away at the hotel ****** in mexico. y/n: omg really?! colby: yeah well sam alex and kat helped me pay because we all agreed that you deserved it. *I hug him tight* y/n: thank you so much! colby: so the flight leaves at 3 so if we pack our stuff now we will be right on time. y/n: thank you so much. *i pack my stuff with colby and after 20 min we say goodbye to sam kat and alex. i hug alex because im a little bit scared to leave him but its okay i can handle it* y/n: guys promise me if someting is wrong text me. sam: we will dont worry. alex: now go you guys have to catch a flight! kat: text us updates and how it looks okay? colby: we will. alex: also im gonna sleep home this week. y/n: really? alex: yeah. y/n: but then your all alone. alex: i saw my ex again today and shes coming over tomorow. (his ex is zoé and she was with alex 5 months ago. she had to leave because she broke up with alex because they got into i fight and it got her thinking. so she leaved and never really contacted him anymore* y/n: wait zoé?! alex: yeah she said she felt horible these 5 months and she felt really bad for leaving me. she also said she missed me so shes comming over tomorow to catch up. y/n: thats amazing! kat: thats great news! sam: lets go i need to drop you two off we dont have that much time anymore! *sam laughs* y/n: yes lets go! *sam drops us of at the airport and me and colby get on the plaine* y/n: i love you. colby: i love you too. *the flight was 11 hours so a pretty long time. we finaly arive and we check into our hotel room. i walk in the room and its so big* y/n: wow this is so big! colby: yeah look we even got a really big bathroom!

it looked like this

it looked like this

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(the toilet is at the left by the purple light) *we explore it a little and then go down stairs to get some food at the restaurand since it was 2 pm

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(the toilet is at the left by the purple light) *we explore it a little and then go down stairs to get some food at the restaurand since it was 2 pm. me and colby grab some food and sit down at a table. i take a picture to send to kat* colby: im so glad that i can be here with you. y/n: me too. maybe about 2 years we can come here again and 2 years later again and then im maybe pregnant. i want this to become a ting. like go here every 2 years. colby: i love that idea and i love your fantasy ideas. *i blush as he says that. we both finish our dinner and we go to the acuapark. (its a really big place with pools and a lot of water slides)* colby: wich slide sould we go on first? y/n: maybe that one? *you point to a really big slide with lights* colby: you sure? y/n: yes! the person who first gets there wins! *i start to run and colby runs fast after me but i win* y/n: hah i win!! *colby raps his arms around my waist and kisses me. i have butterflies but i quickly let go because i saw the light of the slide turn green* colby: what are you gonna do? y/n: watch me! *i slide down the water slide and i can hear colby laughing and going after me. he gets closer to me and grabs me* colby: i got you. y/n: nooo why are you so fast. colby: i dont know *he laughs. the only ting i could think of was how amazing this is being with him* colby: looks like light is coming closer! *he raps his arms aournd me and we land into the pool* y/n: that was amazing! *we go off a lot of water slides and time passes by fast its now 6 pm and we go back to the hotel to have dinner. we had the most romantic dinner and we go back to the hotel. we go into our room and i lay down on the bed* colby: tired? y/n: yeah. colby: me too. y/n: i had so much fun today. colby: me too im glad where here. y/n: yeah me too. *we both get undressed and lay down in bed. i lay down on colby's chest and we cuddle until we fall asleep*

hello everyone! i hope you guys like the story now that i putted it the ¨i¨ version. i think that makes it more realistic. anyway i hope you guys had?have a wonderfull day! <3

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