home made pizza

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the next morning:

*you wake up by your alarm* colby:good morning. y/n:good morning. colby: are you ready to go to the police? y/n: yeah.. colby: dont worry its gonna be okay i promise. *you both get dressed and firts go to the hospital to see alex. 2 hours later you guys go to the police office. you guys where gonna make an appointment but you guys could tell your story now since the police wasn't bussy. you both sit down and tell the whole story and you guys had to show pictures so they know who they are. you talked with sam and cat and they think its okay that you and alex stay there for a couple days so the police know in the house you guys are in. you guys finaly left the building after 1 hour. you guys go to your house and pack all the stuff and leave to sam and kat's house. colby has a key and opens the door* y/n: hello guys! kat: heyy! *she hugs you* kat: how are you feeling? y/n: im okay! *sam and kat help you guys with the stuff* y/n: where do alex and i sleep? colby: you can sleep with me and we hava a guest room for alex. y/n: okay thanks. *you guys finish with the stuff and sam and kat go down stairs to make some food. you sit down on colby's bed and colby sits next to you* y/n: thank you for letting us stay. colby: of course! y/n: im so sorry thats i put you guys in my problems. colby: its not your fault. *he grabs you face so you look him in the eyes* colby: dont be sorry okay? y/n: okay. *he hugs you* colby: im really lucky to have you. y/n: and im really lucky to have you. *you both laugh and go down stairs* sam: sould we go to alex after we ate? y/n: yes please. colby: what are you guys making? kat: pizza. we are done with the dough so now we can all make our home made pizza. y/n: that sound so much fun. *you guys start making your own pizza but colby trows a little bit of flour at you* y/n: hey! why did you do that?! *he laugh and you grab a little bit of flour to trow and him but he starts running. you go after him and you push him on the couch and trow the flower on him. he gets up and you both laugh* y/n: dont do that again next time the play back will be harder. *he laugh and kisses you* sam: come on our pizza is ready already. *you run back to the kitchen and make your pizza with a big smile* kat: its cute seeing you two. sam: i agree. *you guys all finish with the pizza and put it in the oven. you guys sit down at the kitchen talbe after cleaning everyting* sam: how was it at the police office? y/n: it went great. they said they will keep an eye on us. kat: good! colby: i think the pizza is ready. *sam grabs the pizza's and puts them on a plate. you guys quickly eat and go to the hospital because it is 7 pm and you guys are not alowed to visit after 8. you guys sit down and talk for and hour about what the plan is. after an hour you guys leave.

in the car:

sam: lets do someting fun (sam is driving) kat: what do you want to do? sam: lets go to the skate park and film a video. colby: good idea but what sould we record? sam: i have a ouija board. y/n: omg really. that could go really horrible. kat: remember what happend to corey and the shadow man? sam: yeah but we know how to do it right. we say good bye and thats stuff he did not do that and he was a kid. colby: true. y/n: lets just do it but if someting goes wrong its your fault sam.

i feel a lot better but i did had some rough times with covid so dont get covid people stay safe. anyways if you guys have some ideas or tips you can always say it i'd love to put some ideas from you guys in the story. i hope you guys have/had an amazing day! <3

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