Chapter 35: Lazy, Hazy Days of Summer

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The sky was draped in a grey darkness, a grey darkness that to any unsuspecting, muggle soul, would signal that a storm was brewing, ready to roll in, creating chaos and devastation.

What those muggles didn't realize, though, was that something was brewing, but it wasn't a storm.

It was the return of Voldemort. A return of destruction, chaos, and devastation. A return that would linger much longer than a simple, summer storm.

Severus stared out the window of Malfoy Manor, watching the angry darkness nearly taking over the bright blue sky completely, signifying how much stronger Voldemort was getting... and would get.

"Lucius will pay for this, Severus," Voldemort spat, interrupting Severus's thoughts as he paced angrily back and forth across the dining room.

Severus could feel the rage coming from Voldemort as it practically seeped from his pores. "How could he be so careless!?" Voldemort snapped. Severus cringed, wondering what would become of Lucius. "He got himself locked away in Azkaban for who knows how long!"

No one liked being in Azkaban... it was a prison, after all. But Severus couldn't help but wonder if Lucius was safer locked away in the concrete walls of Azkaban, rather than confined to his own home, locked away with a vengeful dark lord.

Severus watched Voldemort carefully, seeing his crimson eyes glowing, overflowing with rage. Voldemort would make Lucius pay, even if he had to use his family as pawns to harm Lucius.

Voldemort quickly stopped his angry pace, his gaze settling upon Severus, who didn't dare speak during his fit of rage. "Dumbledore will be dead by the end of the next school year at Hogwarts, Severus." He stared at Severus, eyeing him for any flicker of concern in his eyes over Dumbledore's life.

But Severus's occlumency shields were at their highest and Severus couldn't let himself slip up.

"Oh?" Severus asked flatly, no emotion in his voice.

"Yes," Voldemort seethed before a crooked smile filled his face. "And it will be the Malfoy boy to carry out the deed."

Voldemort's words nearly made Severus falter. Would Voldemort leave the task of murder up to a child? Voldemort kept staring at Severus, seeming to practically hear the thoughts pouring from his mind. "Severus," Voldemort started, "you are one of my most trusted followers. If you have something to say, I suggest you say it."

Severus didn't say anything at first, afraid to doubt Voldemort's decision in making Draco kill Dumbledore. "Are you sure he'll have the..."

"Balls to go through with it?" Voldemort questioned, finishing Severus's worry.

Severus nodded.

Voldemort walked towards the window, staring at the sky, seeming to enjoy the impending darkness invading the sky.

"I wondered that myself," Voldemort said quietly before turning towards Severus. "But the boy is just that: a boy. A weak boy at that. And he'll be too scared of losing his own life." Voldemort took a step towards Severus. "His own life will be his motivation. He will know that if he doesn't carry out the task, the punishment will be death."

Voldemort watched Severus with high intensity, wondering what was going through his mind. "You have more doubts, don't you?"

"Concerns," Severus corrected. "I have concerns."

"Which are?" Voldemort looked at Severus with curiosity.

"Well... Draco is so young," Severus said quietly. "I worry he won't complete the task at hand even if his life is on the line. What if you wind up having to kill him?"

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