Chapter 24: Monster Within

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Note: This chapter does reference sexual assault. And I feel like this chapter is a little bit spicier than what I normally write which was the intent since the relationship is evolving a bit. But this is not something I normally write but enjoy :)

Severus stood frozen in place, heart pounding in his ears. He looked at Laura, who wouldn't meet his gaze.

This is impossible. This can't be happening.

Except, it was.

"Sit, Severus." Voldemort gestured to the chair across from Laura. Severus sat down, eyes never leaving Laura, but she refused to meet his eyes. Voldemort watched their interaction, a crooked smile forming on his face.

Voldemort's eyes fell on Laura. "You did what I asked," he said with amusement. Severus snapped his head in Voldemort's direction, wondering what that meant.

"Now," Voldemort said as he stood from his seat, "I know that my decision to bring an outsider into our ranks is a bit... unprecedented." Voldemort glided around the table, taking in each face he passed. "I made an exception this time as I believe Laura will be an excellent addition to our group."

Severus looked around the table, seeing blank stares at almost every seat, excluding Bellatrix's, as she seemed annoyed, but that was nothing new. Severus's eyes fell back on Laura, who still wouldn't look at him, and her eyes dropped to the table.

Voldemort moved behind Laura, hovering there. "And no one will question my decision." Voldemort placed a hand on Laura's shoulder and Severus could see her body tense. No death eater made a sound, knowing not to question Voldemort, but there was surprise filling the room.

Severus knew what they were all thinking: Laura had something Voldemort wanted or valued enough to bring her into his most trusted circle... but what was it?

If only they knew... if only Voldemort truly knew.

Voldemort kept his hand on Laura's shoulder, gently squeezing it, almost like he was massaging it, while his red eyes settled on Severus. Severus, as much as he was trying to hide it, felt a deadly anger building in his chest as he watched Voldemort's hand caressing and massaging Laura's shoulder.

Severus knew exactly why Voldemort was touching Laura: to make sure Severus knew he could.

Voldemort let go of Laura after a few minutes; even though to Severus it felt like forever, and Severus watched Laura's body relax slightly, but not by much. Severus continued to stare at her, feeling the rage in his chest nearly boiling over and he forced his occlumency shields as high as he could, trying to make himself grow numb.

Voldemort slid back into his seat, letting the meeting commence. Laura remained silent as she sat next to Narcissa, who gave her curious glances every so often.

"I need someone to obtain the prophecy for me. I need to know every detail so I can finally destroy the boy," Voldemort said calmly. His eyes scanned the table slowly until they fell on Lucius. "Lucius," Voldemort said, "you will lead a group to retrieve it. The boy and I are connected enough now. I can make him see anything I want... believe anything I want." Severus felt a little shudder fill his body at Voldemort's words. Severus didn't know what Voldemort would force Harry to see but he knew it would be something that would force him to go to the ministry... forcing him to retrieve the prophecy for Lucius and ultimately, for Voldemort.

But Severus couldn't interfere. Not yet.

"Yes, of course, my lord," Lucius said with an evil smile.

"Make sure you bring Bellatrix with you," Voldemort told Lucius. "I think a family reunion for Bellatrix and Sirius is long overdue." Voldemort turned his gaze towards Bellatrix. "Don't you think so, Bella?"

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