Chapter 33: We All Need a Little Help Sometimes

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Note: It feels like it's been a while since I've updated this. I ended up getting sick and this chapter felt difficult to write. I've also been struggling a little lately so chapters might take a little longer to release but they are still being worked on. Enjoy!

"Severus?" Laura questioned, stepping slightly forward, noticing his discomfort. "Is it your dark mark?"

"Yes," Severus groaned in annoyance at the searing pain in his skin. How did Voldemort always seem to find the most inconvenient times to call on him? "I have to go. I don't want to... but I have to. How long are you staying here?"

Laura shrugged. "A few days, I guess. I didn't really have a timeline."

"I'll come back. Just... please don't leave," Severus said. "I want to finish our conversation." Severus watched Laura nod and he made his way towards the door, leaving the hotel room. Severus left in a hurry, unaware that he had dropped Laura's ring on the floor, not even hearing the clink it made as it hit the floor.

Severus apparated to Malfoy Manor, making his way in. He moved through the house, eventually finding Voldemort in the study.

Severus lightly knocked on the open door, making Voldemort turn his eyes away from the book he was looking at. "Severus!" Voldemort exclaimed, an evil, wide smile growing on his face. "Everything is falling into place... perfectly into place." Voldemort began pacing back and forth, gliding around the study. "I need you to be at Hogwarts tonight and tomorrow. I need you to be my eyes and ears."

"Is there something in particular I should be looking out for?" Severus asked quietly, causing Voldemort to look at Severus with amusement.

"You'll know it when you see it." As Voldemort was speaking, Severus watched Nagini slither in, moving around Voldemort, hissing at him, saying something only Nagini and Voldemort could understand.

Severus watched them, wondering what words were being exchanged between the pair. Severus shuddered as the hissing continued. He knew they were having a conversation, but Voldemort was purposely leaving Severus out. But that's what Voldemort did: give his followers bits and pieces so no one could complete his puzzle; so, no one could betray him.

Voldemort did not trust anyone.

Severus waited until the hissing sounds ceased before he dared speak. "I will be at Hogwarts tonight and tomorrow, then," Severus confirmed.

"Good." Voldemort stared at Nagini for a moment before tearing his eyes away, focusing them on Severus. "What's going on between you and Laura? You don't seem as close anymore."

Severus shuffled slightly, clearly uncomfortable with where their conversation was going. "We had some... issues," Severus said slowly. "But we're working through them."

Voldemort stared at Severus for a moment before nodding. "You should work it out. Marry the girl and breed with her." Severus tried to hide the panic he felt over Voldemort's words, feeling like ice water was dumped on him. "It will redeem your half-blood status and your children will be my followers when you and Laura are long gone."

In that moment, Severus wanted nothing more than to roll his eyes. Of course, this was about Voldemort having followers. It was always about Voldemort.

Severus remained quiet, pondering over Voldemort's idea. He swallowed hard, not liking the idea of Voldemort planning out his life. He didn't even know if Laura wanted children, but he knew she wouldn't want children if they were doomed to live a horrible destiny as death eaters, following Voldemort until the end of time.

A smirk formed on Voldemort's face as he watched Severus's mind overworking itself, panicked over the future. "You may go now, Severus. I expect a full report of what happens at the school over the next few days."

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